Laurie Johnson (professor) was named series editor of the Lexington Press book series “Honor and Obligation in Liberal Society: Problems and Prospect.” Dan Demetriou, University of Minnesota, Morris is also an editor of the series. The prominent series was launched out of a concern that some liberal societies might be losing their sense of honor, civic obligation, higher moral purpose, shared values, and community. The series focuses on the intersection of classical liberal thought, honor and social and civic obligations. One the first books of the series is a volume edited by Johnson and Demetriou. Entitled Perspective on Modern Honor, it includes contributions by well-known scholars such as Amitai Etzioni (George Washington University), Richard Ned Lebow (Dartmouth University & King’s College, London), Sharon Krause (Brown University), and Steven Forde (University of North Texas). A number of other books are forthcoming in the series. For details, please see the series website: https://sites.google.com/site/lexingtonliberalism/home
Congratulations to Professor Johnson