Kansas State University


Political Science

KSU Political Science Honor Roll of Giving July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013

Of course, generous gifts by alumni and friends are important to the success of our students (highlighted in last month’s newsletter) and our faculty (highlighted below). Such donations have helped us to support talented undergraduates, attract quality graduate students, enhance our instructional and research equipment, host outstanding scholars for interactive visits (see above), and send our students to conferences to present their research findings. We are extremely thankful to those who have contributed to the department, and are pleased to recognize many of them in our Honor Roll of Giving.

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Faculty Highlights

As you surely know from recent newsletters, the national and international visibility of KSU’s Department of Political Science continues to grow. As KSU advances toward the goal of becoming a top 50 public research university by 2025, political science faculty have been producing a steady stream of publications in the leading journals of the discipline and have accumulated a number of professional accolades. Given the volume of our recent activity, we can’t outline all of our faculty’s professional feats. We can, however, provide a few highlights from the past year.

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Senior a Finalist for the Truman Fellowship


Macy Warburton, senior in Political Science, was a finalist for the prestigious Truman Fellowship this past spring. The Truman Fellowship provides up to $30,000 for graduate study for those interested in careers in public service. Warburton has won numerous scholarships at KSU, including the National Society of Collegiate Scholars Merit Award, the Putnam Shcolarship, the McKelvie Scholarship, and the Political Science Department Award of Excellence.

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Fliter and Heidbreder Win Major Teaching Awards

KSU’s Department of Political Science has a long history of teaching excellence. Our professors have won the most prestigious teaching awards that Kansas State University bestows, including the Presidential Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, the Commerce Bank Undergraduate Outstanding Teaching Award, and the William L. Stamey Award for Undergraduate Teaching Excellence. This year is no exception, as two of our faculty members have once again won prominent teaching honors.

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Senior Elected Student Body President

Schooley, Unruh Celebrate Election Results with Friends
Jacob Unruh (left) and Eli Schooley (right)

Eli Schooley, senior in Political Science and Pre-Law, was elected KSU Student Body President for the coming academic year. In this capacity, Schooley’s primary responsibility will be to represent the student body and voice student needs and wishes to the university administration, faculty, staff, and the K-State family. He will also serve on the KSU President’s Advisory Council, serve as a member of Faculty Senate and the Faculty Senate Committee on University Planning, and represent KSU students at the Kansas Board of Regents.

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A Note from the Department Head

Pickering (2)KSU’s Political Science department continues to move from strength to strength. As you know, our faculty and staff are committed to providing a world class educational experience to all K-Staters, and these efforts are increasingly being recognized. One of our students recently won a top mock trial attorney award and others have won notable K-State scholarships. Our graduate programs were recently ranked 13th in the country, ahead of the political science programs at Duke, Stanford and Yale. Needless to say, it is an exciting time at your alma mater and enthusiasm is evident among our faculty and staff.

For the fourth straight year, 100% of the employees in the department contributed to K-State’s All-University Campaign, giving back their own earnings to support not only our students, but the department and its future. Obviously, we believe in the Department of Political Science at Kansas State University and the experience it has provided for generation after generation of K-Staters, and we hope you do too!

Below you will find some highlights from the past year. If you are in Manhattan, please consider dropping by to say hello. Wishing you and yours a safe and happy holiday season.

Jeff Pickering
Department Head

Model UN Team Re-Launched

Model UN team at St. Louis competition

Kansas State University’s Model United Nations team has successfully returned to competition. The team won three awards at the 54th Midwest Model UN Conference in St. Louis in February and four awards at the American Model UN International in Chicago in November. These were the first Kansas State University teams to compete at Model UN competitions in over 30 years.

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Students Win Awards

Hope Faflick

Torrey Peterson (2014 B.S. Political Science) won the top attorney award at the American Mock Trial Association regional qualification tournament last spring. Even more impressive, she was the only student attorney to earn a perfect score in the competition! Peterson now attends Saint Louis University School of Law.

Hope Faflick, senior in political science, received a Mark Chapman scholarship from KSU which allowed her to pursue her interest in helping to develop civil society in Maynmar.

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Political Science Graduate Programs Ranked Among Best in the Country

Top-Ranked-Program-2014-300x300According to GraduatePrograms.com, the graduate education experience offered by KSU’s Political Science department is among the best in the country. The GraduatePrograms.com website surveys recent and current graduate students on the quality and value of their graduate education, and then evaluates programs across fifteen categories. Overall, the graduate programs housed in KSU’s Department of Political Science were ranked the 13th best in the country. We had good company in this ranking — sandwiched between Harvard University (ranked 12th) and Yale University (ranked 14th). KSU’s graduate programs were ranked #1 in the country for both career support and faculty support.

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Concurrent Degree Launched: BA/BS + Masters in Public Administration

The Department of Political Science is pleased to announce the launch of a new concurrent degree. Students earning either a BA or a BS in Political Science who wish to earn a Master of Public Administration can transition directly into the graduate program and graduate more quickly. Earning a concurrent degree takes approximately five and a half years — much less time than normally required to earn both an undergraduate and a master’s degree. For nearly three decades, our MPA program has trained an outstanding and growing group of committed public servants, with graduates holding prominent positions in a wide range of city, state, and federal organizations.