The Department of Political Science has entered into an innovative partnership with the Beijing Information Science & Technology University (BISTU). BISTU is a prominent public university in northern Beijing with a well-established undergraduate public administration program. Our collaboration with BISTU is called a 3+1+2 program, and it is the first arrangement of its type between KSU and a Chinese university. Interested BISTU students will enter the program specifically to earn a KSU MPA degree, and their fourth year of undergraduate study at KSU will be applied toward their BISTU bachelor’s degree requirements. Future collaboration among faculty at the two universities is also a possibility.
Needless to say, we are excited about the talented new undergraduate and graduate students that this partnership will bring to KSU and the relationship that has developed between our department and BISTU. The arrangement also has the potential to open up exciting new pathways for collaboration between K-State and additional universities in China.