The Department of Political Science administers a joint graduate program on Security Studies with KSU’s History Department. Security Studies PhD students continue to find rewarding positions and have been recognized for many accomplishments:
Rabia Abktar, PhD 2015, is the founding Director of the Centre for Security, Strategy, and Policy Research at the University of Lahore, Pakistan.
Saad Alsubie (Col), PhD 2013, has helped to develop the curriculum and teaches at the Saudi Command and General Staff College, which offers MA degrees in strategic, security, and military studies.
Orlandrew Danzell, MA 2007, PhD 2012, assistant professor in the Tom Ridge School of Intelligence Studies at Mercyhurst University, was honored as Mercyhurst’s 2015-2016 Research Fellow. The fellowship provides a course reduction and additional support that will allow Danzell to further advance his scholarship. Orlandrew regularly teaches courses on Intelligence and National Security, Terrorism, and Research Methods at Mercyhurst.
Kate Kidder, PhD student, has been named the 2015-2016 Bacevich Fellow at the Center for New American Security in Washington, DC.

Jacob Mauslein, PhD 2014, accepted a position as Visiting Assistant Professor at Oklahoma State University and Associate Editor of the journal Political Research Quarterly (PRQ). PRQ is considered to be one of the leading journals in political science, typically being ranking among the top 10 most influential journals in the discipline. Jake recently published articles in the Journal of Politics and Applied Geography, top five journals in their respective disciplines. At Oklahoma State, he teaches Introduction to World Politics, War and World Politics, Proseminar in International Relations, and a number of other courses.
Bruce Stanley, PhD 2012, associate professor at the School of Advanced Military Studies at Ft. Leavenworth, published a book entitled Outsourcing Security: Military Contractors and US Foreign Policy with the University of Nebraska Press. Bruce teaches courses on Theory and Operational Art, the Strategic Context of Operational Art, Design and Operational Art, and Morality and War at the School.
Robert Daniel (Danny) Wallace, PhD 2014, is an analyst for the Department of the Army and is located in South Korea. He is also an adjunct faculty member at Columbia College (MO).