Ciara Chambers and Eleanor Dickens, both seniors in political science, were among four students nominated by Kansas State University for the 2015 Harry S. Truman Scholarship. The Truman Scholarship recognizes college students with exceptional leadership potential who are committed to careers in public service, government or the nonprofit sector. It provides up to $30,000 in financial support for graduate education. Chambers and Dickens competed with 600 nominees from across the nation for the 60 scholarships awarded. While neither was ultimately awarded a Truman, their nominations underscore the fact that each has a bright future.

Chambers has won a number of scholarships while at KSU, including the department’s Rieger-McCrery Scholarship and a Fellowship for the Study of Classical Liberalism coordinated by KSU’s Primary Text Certificate program. She is the vice president and judicial affairs chair of the Panhellenic Executive Board, and the social and fundraising chair for the university’s Model United Nations team. She plans to attend law school and focus on immigration law after graduation.

Dickens has also received a number of scholarships, including the department’s Joseph Hajda Scholarship. She has been chair of K-State Proud, a student-led fundraising campaign for Kansas State University students and a student senator for the College of Arts and Sciences. She would like to pursue a master’s degree in international development and diplomacy following graduation.