Welcome & Happy 2018!
We hope you’ve enjoyed the holidays with your family and friends! Most importantly, we hope you enjoyed your time with your student during their five week break! It’s always an exciting time for us when students come back from break and the residence halls and parking lots are full! We hope this newsletter will help you as parent and family members to stay connected to campus from near and far! This will give you information about upcoming events on campus and academic updates. For more information about Parent & Family programs, please visit: http://polytechnic.k-state.edu/academicservices/parents.html.
Helping Your Student Finish Strong
The academic school year is already halfway through, yet sometimes the spring semester can be the most challenging for your student to get through. Some students may experience homesickness after returning from the holiday break, while others may struggle with new or ending relationships, and the stress of the upcoming academic semester. During this time, it is helpful to support your student by providing a listening ear and reaffirming their strengths, while at the same time encouraging them to take ownership of their choices, learn from their mistakes, and seek campus resources when needed.
K-State Polytechnic provides a multitude of academic and campus resources for your student to take advantage of, should they find themselves in need of assistance. Check out the ‘Academic Updates’ and ‘Campus Life’ sections of this newsletter for resources that you can refer your student to for additional help.
Looking for more advice on how you, as a parent, can help your student be successful? Check out the K-State Parents and Family Association’s Resource page that includes recommended readings on helping your student transition through college, a timeline of what you might expect your student to experience in their first year in college, financial assistance, and more.
You can also contact the Academic and Student Services Office at (785) 826-2674 for campus specific resources or if you have questions/concerns about your student’s progress.
Academic Updates
If the fall semester did not go as you had hoped it would go for your student, please be assured we are here for your student! We have campus resources available to students at no charge:
Semester at a Glance:
- February 5: Last day to drop with 100% refund
- February 12: Last day to drop with 50% refund
- February 20: Last day to drop without a “W” being recorded
- March 19-23: Spring Break
- March 26: Last day to drop a regular session course
- May 4: Last day of spring 2018 semester
- May 5: Polytechnic Campus Commencement
- May 7-11: Final Exams
Enrollment Appointments:
- March 26-Seniors
- March 29-Juniors
- April 4- Sophomores
- April 11-Freshman
- April 20- Incoming new students
Campus Life
Your student’s success in life entails more than just success in the classroom. In order to thrive and successfully navigate challenges, students should be well-rounded and equipped with a wide range of problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Many of these skills are developed outside of the classroom. At K-State Polytechnic, we strive to provide students with the experiences they need to grow and develop these skills through extracurricular programming and support services. Check out the many resources available for your student to further advance their skillset and strengthen their capacity for working through life’s challenges:
- Student Organizations & Activities
- Career Services
- Student Life Center
- Residence Life
- Diversity and Student Services
Upcoming Events:
Residence Hall Move-In
- January 14th– Move-In for new students, 10:00 am
- January 15th-Current students can return to residence halls, 12 pm
Welcome Back Week
- January 16th
- Laser Tag in the Student Life Center, Time TBD
- New Student Welcome Dinner, College Center Conference Room, 7:00 pm
- January 17th-Roller Skating, Skating Rink, 8:00-10:00 pm
- January 18th
- Club Fair, College Center Lobby, 11:00-1:00 pm
- Nitro Bowling, Bowling alley, 7:00 pm -12:00 am
- January 19th-SGA Free Lunch, 11:30-1:30 pm
- January 20th-Non Traditional Student Meet and Greet/BBQ, College Center Conference Room, 12:00-2:00 pm
Martin Luther King Week
- January 22nd-‘Accidental Courtesy’ Movie, a documentary about Daryl Davis and his one man effort to combat racism by befriending members of the KKK…Includes discussion and snacks.
Other Events
- April 7 Open House–more details to come!
Concerned About Your Student?
Are you concerned about the academics, health, behavior, or welfare of your student?
Call the Student Services Manager at (785) 826-2984, or use the Student of Concern reporting form. The Academic and Student Services Office can reach out to them and help them get the assistance they need.
If there is an emergency involving your student, or if you have concerns that require immediate action, please dial 911 or campus security at 785-826-2952.