Category: February 2019

Get Growin’ Garden Series

Spring is just around the corner, planning your garden and landscape can start today! Join us for this three-part garden series, Wednesdays in February at the Osborne Public Library from 12:10-12:45pm. Contact Cassie Homan at your local Extension Office for more details.

For complete details follow the link:

By: Cassie Homan

Learn Tools for Better Health

If you are living with an ongoing health condition (such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, or depression) or you are a caregiver of someone who does, this is for you! Living with Chronic Conditions workshops are interactive learning opportunities that teach techniques to manage common symptoms.

FREE workshop series led by trained leaders to help you:

  • Learn decision-making and problem solving skills
  • Communicate effectively with family, friends and health professionals
  • Manage fatigue
  • Learn new ways to eat healthy
  • Control pain
  • Increase physical activity
  • Set and accomplish Goals
  • Deal with anger, depression, and difficult emotions

This 6-week workshop will be offered on Tuesdays: February 19, 26 March 5, 19, 26 and April 2

2pm Smith County Courthouse Meeting Room
Contact Smith County Health Department at 785-282-6656.
Registration deadline is February 15th.

By:  Ashley Svaty

Better Brains for Babies Train-the-Trainer ─ Register soon!

Experience for E
arly Childhood Professionals
February 27, 2019 in Beloit, KS
Complete details at
Register by February 20th!

The mission of the Better Brains for Babies initiative is to improve the potential of young children by promoting the use of early brain development research in everyday life experiences. Better Brains for Babies is a collaboration of national, state and local, public and private organizations dedicated to promoting awareness and education about the importance of early brain development in the healthy growth and development of infants and young children. The initiative began in Georgia, and has become available to Kansas professionals through a partnership between University of Georgia Extension and K-State Research and Extension.

Train-the-trainer participants will learn about brain development, adult-child interactions, toxic stress, and other elements of young child development. After completing the training, attendees will be eligible to disseminate information on early brain development throughout their communities. The Better Brains for Babies curriculum is a tool which provides a clear and consistent science-based message about the impact of early brain development on children’s overall growth and development. To learn more, visit

By:  Nora Rhoades

Stay Strong, Stay Healthy coming to Lincoln!

Have you been wanting to make your health a priority?  Now is a great time to do just that!  Registration is now open for the upcoming older adult strength training program Stay Strong, Stay Healthy. Strength training is especially important in older adults and can improve balance, strength, flexibility, and quality of life.

Two classes will be offered, one from 2-3pm and 3:30-4:30pm. We will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning February 20th and ending April 15th.

The sessions will be held at the Lincoln Senior Center. Cost for this program is $20, but there are financial scholarships available.  Registration is required, and you can do so by visiting our office in Lincoln or by calling (785) 524-4432.  Feel free to contact Ashley, the instructor at  with any questions about the program.

By:  Ashley Svaty

Caring for Valentine’s Day Flowers

If you are gifting or receiving Valentines flowers this year, follow these tips to keep them fresh.

  1. Keep the vase filled or floral foam soaked with warm water. Add fresh, warm water daily. If possible, recut stems by removing one to two inches with a sharp knife.
  1. Keep flowers in a cool spot (65 to 72°F), away from direct sunlight, heating or cooling vents, directly under ceiling fans, or near radiators.
  1. If a rose starts to wilt, remove it from the arrangement, and recut the stem under water. Submerge the entire rose in warm water. The rose should revive in one to two hours.

By: Cassie Homan

Free Dining with Diabetes Workshop in Smith Center

Do you have Diabetes or care for someone who does? Do you want to make the best choices for your health?  We can help.

Nutrition and physical activity are keys to managing type 2 diabetes, but where do you start?  Designed especially for people with type 2 diabetes, the Dining with Diabetes program will help you learn the skills needed to promote good health.

This program includes:

  • Meals with delicious and healthy recipes
  • Cooking demonstrations and meals at each session
  • Motivation and support – connect with others who are living with diabetes
  • Ideas for being more active
  • An understanding of how diabetes affects overall health.

Dining with Diabetes consists of four 2 hour long sessions.  Adults with type 2 diabetes and their family members, caregivers, and support persons are invited to participate.  Individualized meal plans or guidance will not be provided.

This FREE 4 session workshop will be held at the American Lutheran Church, Smith Center KS from 11am-1pm. Event Dates will be March 5, 12, 19, and 26th. Registration is required by March 1st  or until class is full. Register by calling (785) 282-6823 or at Please contact Ashley Svaty at with any questions about the Dining with Diabetes program.

The Post Rock Extension District Dining with Diabetes (DWD) program fee is $25.00. Due to funds provided by the Smith County Community Foundation and Post Rock Extension District, the DWD program fee has temporarily been reduced to $0.

By:  Ashley Svaty

Walk Kansas

Walk Kansas 2019 will be held from March 17th – May 11th. The goal of this motivating health initiative is to help you and others lead a healthier life. Join this program to become more active with family and friends, make better nutrition choices, and walk away stress. What a great way to kick off the new year!

Be sure to watch for registration information mid-February, you don’t want to miss out on the fun and prizes!

For more information about this motivating health program visit or email Ashley at

By:  Ashley Svaty