Have you wanted to write a small grant proposal but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you don’t have time to add one more project to your day? Maybe we can help!
The REC is creating a grant-writing team for our rural school partners—beginning with our RPDS network. As our staff grows (see the item in this issue), we want to begin a new project—providing grant-writing assistance to your school district!
While receiving multi-million-dollar grants is amazing, we also know that much smaller individual grants can have a tremendous impact—on a classroom, a teacher’s project, or a building. We’d love to be able to fund all your ideas ourselves, but submitting a grant is the next best thing!
To get started, we’re encouraging the 15 partners in our RPDS network to each send us a “wish list” to provide an area of need for your school (and a funding agent, if you know of one). Then we will select one or two each semester to help write. These grants will probably be in the $500 to $2000 range for now, as we begin this project. As our team gets more comfortable writing grants, we hope to increase the number of grants we work on each year.
We’re excited about this project—we think it will help add some needed items in rural classrooms.
To be considered, email us at ruraled@ksu.edu with GRANT in the subject line. Include the following:
- Contact name, email address
- School and district
- Two to three sentences about what you would use the funds for and why
- Suggested funding agent (if you know of one)
- Estimated amount you’re seeking
- Any other helpful information
We’ll make our selections quickly and let you know as soon as possible whether your project has been chosen.