As some of you will know, the Security Studies program lost two incredibly valuable members of faculty from the History department last year. Dr. David Stone resigned as Director of the Institute for Military History in 2015 after six years in the position, took a leave of absence from History and spent the year teaching at the Naval War College (NWC) in Newport, Rhode Island. He officially left the Department of History for NWC prior to the 2016-2017 academic year and is a Professor in the Department of Strategy and Policy, an inter-disciplinary program of history and qualitative political science.
Dr. Kristin Mulready-Stone, Associate Professor in History, stepped in as Interim Director of the Institute for Military History for the year of David’s absence and did an incredible job. Naturally, when the year came to an end Dr. Mulready-Stone also resigned from History and the professors and their family moved to Rhode Island. Dr. Mulready-Stone secured a position at NWC as Associate Professor and Director of the Writing Center, the latter a position equivalent in rank to a department chair. She assists students in all departments at NWC and helps facilitate communication and greater understanding across departments, a task for which she finds her experiences in Security Studies enormously helpful. Professor Mulready-Stone will also be teaching courses on East Asian Security and 19th/20th century Vietnam at NWC beginning this fall.
Drs. Mulready-Stone and Stone contributed mightily to the establishment and success of the Security Studies program from its beginning until their departure. The program is immensely grateful for their efforts and, while we are sad to see them leave for a new chapter in their careers and lives, we wish them the very best!