Kansas State University


Totally Tutoring

What is Totally Tutoring About?

Totally Tutoring is a collaboration of tutoring services on Kansas State University Campus. Totally Tutoring’s goal is to help K-State students succeed by providing outstanding tutoring services and excellent tutors. In addition, Totally Tutoring helps K-State tutors maintain their tutoring skills at a high level by providing workshops and lectures on tutoring.

 Changes are in the works for a new web site for Totally Tutoring <http://www.k-state.edu/totallytutoring/>. Until the change is complete, please visit our current website at http://www.k-state.edu/tutoring/





Totally Tutoring Upcoming Events


 Totally Tutoring had a great 2013-2014 school year with two workshops for tutors and another showcase of award-winners for administrators. The 2014-2015 school year is promising to be another great year for K-State and Totally Tutoring. Totally Tutoring’s members are from 11 different programs across K-State campuses and are currently planning workshops and/or lectures for the upcoming school year. 

Over the last year, our Totally Tutoring awards and events have been funded by the Office of the Provost and the President, Steve Dandaneau, the Graduate School, the Teaching and Learning Center, Jill Shields, Housing and Dining, Educational Supportive Services, Bette Grauer, Dawne Martin, the Department of English and the Academic Excellence Fund. We are grateful for this support!

If you would like to be a part of our organization or give monetary support, please contact Scott Velasquez, 532-5360 or sev9355@ksu.edu.

We also welcome support for Totally Tutoring through contributions to the All University Campaign in September.  Our foundation account is C38905 Totally Tutoring.


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