Kansas State University


U.S.-China Center for Animal Health Newsletter

Spring Greetings!

picture for greetings-2Greetings from Kansas!!! While you are enjoying the bright and colorful spring, please take a moment to glance at our e-newsletter and learn the progress of veterinary education collaboration between Kansas State University and our partners in the U.S. and China.

Currently, there are 19 Chinese students in the U.S-China Joint DVM Scholarship Program. The scholarship program is sponsored by the China Scholarship Council, Kansas State University, Zoetis/International Veterinary Collaboration for China, the Chinese Veterinary Medical Association, and Banfield Pet Hospital. The U.S.-China Center for Animal Health (USCCAH) at K-State coordinates and leads the partnership in mobilizing the program since its establishment in 2012.

USCCAH has also partnered with the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the University of California – Davis, the University of Minnesota, Iowa State University, and 12 universities in China for the program. This unique collaboration with universities, governments and animal health industries in the U.S. and China provides unprecedented learning opportunities for these Chinese DVM students. For the first time, they can fully understand and compare how the veterinary profession plays such an important role in animal health, public health, food safety, and other important social and economic areas in the two countries.

Of the 19 students in our program, 15 of them will be freshmen (4), sophomores (6), juniors (1) or seniors (4) in the DVM programs at Kansas State University, the University of California – Davis, the University of Minnesota, or Iowa State University; while the other 4 students will be pre-veterinary students at Kansas State University this fall.

The mission of the USCCAH is to promote U.S.-China education and research exchange and cooperation in animal health, public health, food safety and other important social and economic areas.  This newsletter has highlighted some of our activities as well as the Chinese DVM students’ achievements.

We also want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your tremendous support and interest in working with us.  If you would like to make a contribution to the education programs or have any interest in animal health communities in China, please contact Dr. Lei Wang leiwang@vet.k-state.edu.

Tammy Beckham
Dean, Professor
Kansas State University
College of Veterinary Medicine

Jishu Shi
Director, Professor
U.S.-China Center for Animal Health

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