![Ball Blue Book](https://enewsletters.k-state.edu/youaskedit/files/2016/06/Cover-Ball-Book-of-Canning-and-Preserving-FINALsquare-1wu3wij-260x260.jpg)
From Jarden Home Brands, makers of Ball® and Kerr canning products, the newest Ball® Blue Book is now available. It contains 200 new recipes from jams, jellies, pickles, salsas and more to total around 350 recipes.
The book is organized by technique such as water bath canning, pressure canning, freezing and more. Recipes are tested for quality and safety. Recipes are included for the beginner or advanced home canner.
The retail cost of this new on the www.freshpreservingstore.com website is $22.95.
A smaller version of selected recipes from this new book is in the new bookazine, The Best Ball® Home Canning & Preserving Recipes: Fresh Flavors All Year Long for $11.99.