While the investigation for flour is over, illnesses may still occur. The recalled flour and flour products have long shelf lives and may still be in people’s homes. Consumers who don’t know about the recalls could continue to eat the products and get sick.
This recall was traced back to a variety of products that use flour milled at a General Mills facility. Besides flour, the other products include:
- Bread Mixes
- Browning and Cake Mixes
- Muffin Mixes
- Pancake and Biscuit Mixes
- Meat and Poultry Products
Consumers should not use any of the recalled products and should throw them out. Do not eat raw dough of any kind. Always wash your hands as well as utensils and containers that have handled raw flour. Learn more at www.cdc.gov/ecoli/2016/o121-06-16/advice-consumers.html
If you stored your flour in another container without the packaging and don’t remember the brand or what the better by date is, throw it out to be safe.