The following dates and locations are now scheduled to help you learn about home food preservation. Contacts are listed for more information and registration.
- April 12, 2018—Scott county, Carol Ann Crouch, ccrouch@ksu.edu, 620-872-2930
- April 13, 2018—Hamilton county, Lora Horton, ljhorton@ksu.edu, 620-384-5225
- April 17, 2018—Greenwood county, Jayne Whitson, jwhitson@ksu.edu, 620-583-7455
- April 27, 2018—Riley county, Megan Dougherty, mcdough92@ksu.edu, 785-537-6350
- June 19-20, 2018—Sedgwick county, Sara Sawer, sarasawer@ksu.edu, 316-660-0100
- June 27, 2018—Meadowlark District, Cindy Williams, csw@ksu.edu, 785-863-2212 or Brown county, Matt Young, mayoung@ksu.edu, 785-742-7871
For more information and additional classes, see www.rrc.k-state.edu/preservation/index.html