Are you shopping for your holiday meal? Choosing a turkey can be the most important item on the menu. Here’s some label definitions to help pick the best turkey for you from farm to table.
- Basted or Self-basted—These are injected or marinated with a fat solution containing broth, stock, water, spices, flavor enhancers or other ingredients. These ingredients must be listed on the label.
- Free Range or Free Roaming—The birds must have access to the out-of-doors for at least 51% of their lives.
- Fresh—Stored at a temperature no lower than 26°F.
- Frozen—Stored at 0°F or below.
- Hen or Tom—Designates sex and size only, no indication of tenderness.
- Organic—Must meet requirements of the National Organic Program for the farm and how the poultry was fed and raised.
- Hormones—They are not approved for use in turkeys.
- Free Range or Free Roaming—Producers must show that the poultry has been allowed access to the outdoors.