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Food Prep When the Power Goes Out

grill burgerSpring is just about here which brings warmer weather as well as severe weather. If you lose power, handling food can be tricky. If you don’t have a generator, then consider these options to prepare food without power from University of Minnesota Extension.

Keep a food thermometer handy. Remember these three temperatures when cooking meats: 145° for steaks, roasts, chops; 160°F for ground meat; and 165°F for all poultry. If you have limited fuel for cooking, choose quick-cooking foods to reserve fuel.

Prepare one meal at a time so there are no leftovers. Don’t leave food sit at room temperature or in warm environments for more than two hours as this can lead to bacterial growth.

There are options to cook food. A fireplace is handy, but do not use charcoal in a fireplace as it can emit carbon monoxide. Get outdoors and use a camp stove, charcoal grill or gas grill.

Stock up on foods that do not require any cooking or refrigeration. Examples include peanut butter, canned meats, whole grain chips or crackers, fresh fruit, canned fruit, dried fruit, and many others. Don’t forget your pets! They also need nourishment in an emergency.

Handwashing is still important! Use bottled water and soap if running water is not available. Use disposable utensils and plates for easy clean up. Heat water on the outdoor grill to wash other items.

For more information on food safety during a power outage, see


About Karen Blakeslee

The Rapid Response Center was formed in 1995 as a resource for Kansas State University Research & Extension Agents. Resource topics included Food Science, Human Nutrition, Food Service, Textiles, Home Care and other consumer topics. Since that time, the Center has grown to be of valuable assistance to Kansas State University Extension Specialists in those areas.