You Asked It!

It’s Strawberry Season!

Making strawberry jam Photo: KSRE

Strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in the spring! Fresh strawberries are tasty by themselves or in any meal or beverage. Here are some fun facts!

  • Eight strawberries contain more vitamin C than one orange.
  • A serving (1 cup) of strawberries has twice as much fiber as a serving of grapes.
  • Strawberry flavor is influenced by weather, the variety, and stage of ripeness when harvested.
  • On average, there are 200 seeds in a strawberry.

Learn more at and

Learn about Preserving Strawberries at


About Karen Blakeslee

The Rapid Response Center was formed in 1995 as a resource for Kansas State University Research & Extension Agents. Resource topics included Food Science, Human Nutrition, Food Service, Textiles, Home Care and other consumer topics. Since that time, the Center has grown to be of valuable assistance to Kansas State University Extension Specialists in those areas.