You Asked It!

Preserving Fresh Asparagus

Pickled asparagus
Pickled asparagus
Photo: Newell Brands

March is here and early spring vegetables, such as asparagus, will be popping out of the ground. If you are lucky enough to have your own asparagus patch, you know the anticipation!

If you have an abundance of asparagus, preserve it for later use by freezing, pickling or canning. To help you plan, here’s a chart of approximate yields from Michigan State University Extension. Learn more at Preserving Vegetables, MF1181.

1 pound (snapped) = 2 cups cut up
1 to 1 1/2 pounds fresh = 1 pint frozen
2 1/2 to 4 pounds fresh = 1 quart canned
10-pound box = 7-10 pints frozen
24 1/2 pounds = a canner load of 7 quarts
16 pounds = a canner load of 9 pints
1 crate (31 pounds) = 7 to 12 quarts canned
1 bushel (45 pounds) =30 to 45 pints frozen or 11 to 18 quarts canned

About Karen Blakeslee

The Rapid Response Center was formed in 1995 as a resource for Kansas State University Research & Extension Agents. Resource topics included Food Science, Human Nutrition, Food Service, Textiles, Home Care and other consumer topics. Since that time, the Center has grown to be of valuable assistance to Kansas State University Extension Specialists in those areas.