When COVID-19 started in the U.S., there were concerns that the virus could be transmitted via surfaces and packaging. This caused consumers to buy cleaning supplies like never before and not using cleaners as directed.
As time has passed, the evidence supports that transmission of COVID-19 is primarily through respiratory droplets in the air. Therefore, the use of masks, handwashing, and keeping at least six feet distance from each other is key.
For surfaces or packaging to be a problem, there has to be a unique set of events to occur. First, a large amount of the virus would have to be present. Then, it would need to survive long enough to result in spread. Finally, without washing your hands, you would have to touch your face.
The few studies done on this issue involved the use of high amounts of the virus, much more than what happens in a real world situation. And, while it proved the virus can stay alive on surfaces, it did not prove transmission.
Excess or incorrect usage of disinfectants can cause skin irritation and respiratory health issues, especially for those with asthma.
Bottom line, wear your mask, keep your distance, and wash your hands. Do your part!
Source: https://wb.md/2RpkmE3