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Tag: eggs

Save Money with Egg-less Recipes


The H5N1 Bird Flu (Avian Influenza A) is affecting egg supplies across the country. Currently, there is no person-to-person spread of the virus and public health risk is low.

But the poultry population has been drastically affected, with a loss of over 166 million poultry, leading to shortages of eggs in grocery stores. It has also affect dairy cows in 17 states.

If eggs are in short supply in your area, here are some egg-less meal options from the Partnership for Food Safety Education.

Iowa State University Extension also has tips and tricks in their blog:

Learn more about the current status of Avian Influenza A from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The CDC has many tips on prevention and treatment of Avian Influenza A, including safe food preparation.

Become an Egg-spert!

Deviled Eggs
Deviled Eggs

From breakfast to dessert, eggs are incorporated into many meals because they are very versatile as well as nutritious.

Eggs have eight essential nutrients and are one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D. They are packed with protein and are an excellent source of choline which is important for brain health. While packed with nutrition, they are are also one of the least expensive food choices for the nutrient value received.

Eggs are one of the nine major allergens that many people must avoid. Those allergic to eggs must read package labels to be sure eggs are present or not.

Eggs can be use whole, or split into yolks and whites and used in so many applications. From boiled, fried, scrambled, baked, poached, the possibilities are many to use eggs. They help bind other ingredients together, such as making a baked product or even a meat loaf. When whipped, they add volume to cakes or souffles and more.

When you look at a carton of eggs, there may be a lot of information on the carton. To help decipher that information, the American Egg Board Ingredible Egg program has an infographic to explain the different terminology.

Learn more about eggs from the American Egg Board.

Celebrate Easter with Egg-stra Care

Easter eggsEaster is a great time to celebrate with family and friends. If you plan to have an Easter egg hunt with real eggs, here’s some food safety tips to keep in mind.

  • Only use eggs that have been refrigerated, and discard eggs that are cracked or dirty.
  • When cooking, place a single layer of eggs in a saucepan. Add water to at least one inch above the eggs. Cover the pan, bring the water to a boil, and carefully remove the pan from the heat. Let the eggs stand (18 minutes for extra large eggs, 15 minutes for large, 12 minutes for medium). Immediately run cold water over the eggs. When the eggs are cool enough to handle, place them in an uncovered container in the refrigerator where they can air-dry.
  • When decorating, be sure to use food-grade dyes. It is safe to use commercial egg dyes, liquid food coloring, and fruit-drink powders. When handling eggs, be careful not to crack them. Otherwise, bacteria could enter the egg through the cracks in the shell.
  • Keep hard-cooked Easter eggs chilled on a shelf inside the refrigerator, not in the refrigerator door.
  • Hide the eggs in places that are protected from dirt, pets and other potential sources of bacteria.
  • Remember the two hour rule, and make sure the “found” eggs are back in the refrigerator or consumed within two hours.
  • Remember that hard-boiled eggs are only safe to eat for one week after cooking.


Eggnog Tips for Ringing in the New Year!

Eggnog Photo:

As we turn the calendar to a new year, many are planning to celebrate with New Year’s Eve parties. One festive beverage commonly served is eggnog made with raw eggs. Here are some tips to safely ring in the new year and keep Salmonella bacteria away from your party.

  • Alcohol does not kill bacteria. Heat is the only way to kill bacteria.
  • Adding hot coffee to eggnog made with raw eggs will not make it safe. When adding cold eggnog to hot coffee, the temperature drops too much. The best tip is to cook the eggnog to a minimum 160°F to kill Salmonella.
  • Store-bought eggnog is pasteruized and is a safe alternative to raw egg eggnog recipes. This heats the eggs to a high temperature for a short time to kill any bacteria that may be present.
  • Use egg substitutes or pasteurized eggs in place of raw eggs.

Making your own eggnog? Cook the eggs in part of the milk, along with other ingredients to make a hot custard mixture. Heat gently in a large heavy saucepan or double boiler, to prevent scorching, to a minimum 160°F. Chill this mixture and add other ingredients before serving. Here’s a recipe from the American Egg Board.

Happy New Year!



Easter Egg Hunt Alternatives

Plastic Easter Eggs

If you have shopped for eggs lately, they have been pricey and in short supply. Start planning now for alternatives to have fun on Easter in place of the traditional egg hunt.

  • Use plastic eggs and fill them with treats or fun Spring items. These eggs are reusable for years to come. Mix up the egg colors, then have the kids match them as an extra activity after the hunt.
  • Plan a scavenger hunt for spring items around your house or outside. Make it educational to learn numbers or the alphabet.
  • Get out the paint or colored pencils and paper and have a contest to draw the best Easter egg, a bunny or Spring flower.


Preparing Hard Boiled Eggs

Deviled Eggs
Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs are a popular Spring appetizer for Easter meals and potlucks. The trick is getting the perfect hard boiled egg.

Fresh eggs that are hard boiled can be difficult to peel. It is best to purchase fresh eggs about one week in advance for success. Keep them refrigerated until ready to use.

To prepare hard boiled eggs on the stovetop, place fresh eggs in a sauce pan and cover with water by one inch. Cover the pan and bring to a boil. Remove from the burner and let the eggs sit in the hot water for 20 minutes. This helps keep the eggs tender and not get rubbery. Place the pan in the sink and allow cold water to pour over the hot eggs until they are cool. Remove eggs from the water and chill in the refrigerator. They can be store up to one week, unpeeled.

To peel the eggs, gently tap the eggs on a surface to crack the shell all around the egg. It helps to run the egg under water to pull the shell away from the egg. Once peeled, they can be used immediately. Keep cold in the refrigerator and use within one to two days.

Learn more at USDA Shell Eggs from Farm to Table.


Easter Egg Safety

Easter is here and plans are being made to decorate eggs.

Dyeing eggs is a creative fun activity. After hard boiling eggs, dye them and store in the refrigerator. Use food-safe coloring or natural colors from other foods.

If using these eggs for the annual egg hunt, chose hiding locations protected from dirt, moisture, pets or other contamination. If eggs get cracked, toss them. Set out and hunt the eggs within two hours to keep them safe.

For more information, see USDA Eggs from Farm to Table.

Always wash your hands, all equipment and work surfaces before and after handling raw eggs.


Egg Substitutes


The price of eggs has consumers scratching them off their shopping list. Here are some options to replace eggs in your recipes based on what function the egg is providing.

Boiled egg—use 2 ounces extra-firm tofu for each hard boiled egg.

Binding ingredients in baking— For each egg, use 1 tablespoon chia seeds or ground flax seeds with 3 tablespoons water, let stand 5 minutes. This makes a gel and helps hold ingredients together.

Leavening in baking—Use the chia or flax seed mixture above plus 1/2 teaspoon baking powder for each egg.

For moistness in baking—use 1/4 cup applesauce, mashed banana, pureed avocado, pureed garbanzo beans, or silken tofu.

Buy eggs when on sale and freeze them for later use.



Let the Easter Egg Hunt Begin!

Easter eggsSometimes eggs are decorated, used as decorations, and hunted at Easter. Here are some safety tips.

  • Dyeing eggs: After hard cooking eggs, dye them and  refrigerate within 2 hours. Use a food-safe coloring.
  • Blowing out eggshells: Use caution when blowing out the contents to hollow out the shell for decorating. Use eggs that have been kept refrigerated and are uncracked. To destroy bacteria that may be present on the surface of the egg, wash the egg in hot water and then rinse in a solution of 1 teaspoon liquid chlorine bleach per half cup of water. After blowing out the egg, refrigerate the contents and use within 2 to 4 days.
  • Hunting Eggs: If hard cooked eggs have been lying on the ground, they can pick up bacteria, especially if the shells are cracked. If the shells crack, bacteria could contaminate the inside. The total time for hiding and hunting eggs should not exceed 2 hours. Refrigerate and use “found” eggs within 7 days of cooking.

Learn more at USDA Shell Eggs from Farm to Table

Photo: USDA Flickr

Safety of Spaghetti alla carbanara

spaghetti carbanara
Spaghetti alla carbanara

Spaghetti alla carbanara is a an Italian dish with a sauce made from raw eggs. The eggs are heated by the residual heat from the cooked pasta. But that heat treatment may not be sufficient to inactivate potential Salmonella bacteria.

Research was conducted by inoculating the beaten egg mixture with five strains of Salmonella. The recipe was prepared and temperatures were taken at various points to determine if the heat treatment reduced the Salmonella. It was found that the Salmonella was reduced by about half, but there was still enough viable bacteria to potentially cause foodborne illness.

Without knowing if eggs are contaminated or not, it is best to use pasteurized eggs to effectively reduce contamination risks. This is especially important for older adults and those with immuno-compromised health.