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Tag: Food Safety

Mailing Holiday Food Gifts

mailing food

Recieving a care package with food during the holidays can bring a taste of home and comfort. But, it is important the food arrives safe. Here are some tips to keep in mind.

  • Ship in a sturdy box with packing to prevent breakage.
  • Perishable foods must be packed with a cold source, i.e., frozen gel packs or dry ice.
  • When using dry ice:
    • Don’t touch the dry ice with bare hands.
    • Don’t let it come in direct contact with food.
    • Warn the recipient of its use by writing “Contains Dry Ice” on the outside of the box.
  • Use permanent markers to label outside of the box. Use recommended packing tape.
  • Label outside clearly; make sure address is complete and correct.
  • Write “Keep Refrigerated” on outside of the box.
  • Alert recipient of its expected arrival.
  • Do not send to business addresses or where there will not be adequate refrigerator storage.
  • Do not send packages at the end of the week. Send them at the beginning of the week so they do not sit in the post office or mailing facility over the weekend.
  • Whenever possible, send foods that do not require refrigeration, e.g., hard salami, hard cheese, country ham.

For more information, go to the USDA Mail Order Food Safety website. Also, search shipping company websites for more information and best practices.

Healthy Eating Includes Holiday Meals

holiday cookies
Happy Holidays!

Holiday parties and big family meals may tempt us away from our healthy eating habits. Allow yourself to have your favorite foods but stick to smaller servings and balance them with healthier options.

Do you have several parties to attend? Plan ahead to help reduce those extra calories. Eat a small meal for breakfast with whole grains, fruit and protein. Don’t starve yourself thinking you’ll save room for party food. Take small bites and savor the delicious party foods. Go through the buffet once to reduce nibbling.

Staying active can help you keep a healthy weight during the holiday season. Look for opportunities to work physical activities into your holiday: Go for a stroll after a family meal, take a walk at the mall, or dance to your favorite holiday music.  Aim to get at least 150 minutes a week of physical activity. For example, that could be at least 20 minutes a day or 30 minutes five days a week.  It’s important to move more and sit less.

Take simple steps to protect your family’s health when you prepare and serve holiday meals such as:

  • Wash your hands and work surfaces before, during, and after preparing food, and before eating.
  • Keep raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs separated during preparation.
  • Cook food at the right internal temperature to kill harmful germs. Use a food thermometer to check.
  • Refrigerate perishable foods, including leftovers, within two hours of buying or cooking.

After the Hunt

Field to FreezerHunting season is in full swing for a variety of wild game species. Take time to safely handle and preserve wild game to safely provide wholesome and nourishing food for family and friends.

Key factors in keeping field dressed wild game safe are temperature control and preventing cross contamination. Meat is susceptible to foodborne pathogen contamination such as E. coli or Salmonella. This can come from the surroundings, from the gastrointestinal tract, or other handling and transport.

Start with proper equipment when going out hunting. Suggested equipment includes:

  • Sharp knives
  • Small hatchet
  • Several feet of rope or nylon cord
  • Rubber bands
  • Clean towels or paper towels
  • Resealable bags
  • Large cooler with lots of ice
  • Disposable plastic gloves
  • Fresh water

Field dress as soon as possible and chill the carcass quickly with ice or snow. Learn more information at in the Canning Low Acid Foods section. For more resources, including freezing meat, see

All Things Turkey

Turkey is about to become front and center on many holiday tables. Here are some resources to help keep the gift of foodborne illness away from your celebrations.

Let’s Talk Turkey—A guide to safely prepping and roasting turkey.

Stuffing and Food Safety—Whether you call it stuffing, filling or dressing, it requires safe handling and cooking. It is best to cook this tasty side dish outside of the turkey.

Other tips include:

Turkey Temp

New Online Education from North Dakota State University Extension

North Dakota State University Extension has just launched two new online courses that are FREE!

  1. Food Preservation 101 – this was developed with a USDA grant and the goal was to create education for the indigenous population. But it is certainly useful for anyone. Course topics include drying, fermenting, water bath canning, pressure canning and freezing. Register and enroll by November 15, 2024. Must be completed by January 15, 2025.
  2. Nourish – this is an online, self-paced course for adults of any age (especially over age 50 and in rural communities). Register and enroll by November 15, 2024 and the course runs in a 3-month cycle. Topics include: the immune system, muscles, pets and your health, cooking, reliable resources, well-being and medications.

‘Fluffy Popcorn’ Could Make You Sick!

cookie dough
It’s not just the raw eggs that cause food safety problems. All kinds of flour are raw and must be baked for safe consumption. Photo: USDA ARS

It is well documented that raw flour has been linked to several foodborne illness outbreaks. This also includes baking mixes, such as cake mix or cookie mix. Anything with raw flour as an ingredient must be baked to be safely consumed.

Social media has circulated another fad called ‘fluffy popcorn’ which uses raw cake mix to flavor popcorn. The instructions say to melt butter and marshmallows on low heat, then add a box of dry cake mix and the popped popcorn, remove from heat and it’s ready to eat. While it may seem the cake mix is being cooked, the temperature of this mixture may not reach 160°F to be safe for consumption.

While this may be a fun snack, it may not be fun if it makes you sick! Raw flour has been linked to E. coli and Salmonella infections which cause diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting. Some infections can become even worse, leading to kidney failure, chronic health problems, and even death. Avoid eating any raw flour product such as cookie batter or even licking the mixing spoon!


Consumer Food Safety Education Conference

Consumer Food Safety Education ConferenceThe 2025 Consumer Food Safety Education Conference will be March 13-14, 2025 in Houston, TX. This is the only conference dedicated to consumer food safety education. It is hosted by the Partnership for Food Safety Education.

The conference brings together federal, non-profit, higher education and industry professionals together to address today’s food safety challenges.

Registration is now open and more conference details will be announced soon.

Global Handwashing Day

Global Handwashing Day is October 15, 2024. Why is this important? Handwashing with soap and water is one of the simplest, most effective ways to stop the spread of germs and stay healthy. Keeping hands clean can help prevent diarrheal illnesses and respiratory infections, such as the common cold or flu.

In five easy steps, you can help prevent the spread of germs and disease.

  1. Wet your hands and apply soap.
  2. Lather your hands, including the backs of your hands, between your fingers and under your nails.
  3. Scrub your hands at least 20 seconds.
  4. Rinse your hands with clean, running water.
  5. Dry your hands with a clean towel or air dry.

Learn more at

Celebrate Summer with a Picnic!


harvest meal
Photo: Kansas Wheat

It’s that time of year for harvest, family reunions, July 4th parties, camping and more! Don’t invite foodborne illness to your party! Here are some tips for a perfect picnic:

  • Plan ahead to bring essential items such as a food thermometer, cooler chest with ice, plenty of clean utensils, storage containers for leftovers, paper towels, and trash bags.
  • In preparation for your picnic, don’t thaw meat on the counter overnight—that’s not safe.  Thaw food in the refrigerator or cook from the frozen state.  Don’t partially cook meat and poultry ahead of time.
  • When you arrive at the picnic site, the first task is to wash your hands before preparing food.  If running water is not available, use disposable wet wipes or hand sanitizer to clean your hands before and after touching food.
  • Don’t leave foods out in the sun.   At the picnic, keep the cooler in the shade.  Serve food quickly from the cooler and return it fast.  In hot weather, above 90F, food shouldn’t sit out of the cooler over an hour.

Learn more at


Education Tools for Fair Foods Judges and Contestants

Fair judging
Kansas State Fair, Photo: KSRE Flickr

County fairs are almost here! As you plan to hire judges, please pass along to these judgeing tools to help them be an educated judge. Many resources can be found at

In particular, a new tool is available for contestants to calculate frosting and filling recipes for safety. This worksheet can be found at

Encourage judges to review the videos and resources to learn more details about judging food exhibits. This also includes judging food preservation exhibits. Sometimes a foods judge will also judge food preservation. There are scorecards to help guide them in judging food preservation.

An educated and knowledgable judge can be a key partner in educating all exhibitors!