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Tag: health

Screen-Free Week!

Just put it down and walk away. Discover the joy of life without looking at digital entertainment. From April 30-May6, 2018, unplug with Screen-Free Week. Just think of the possibilities from playing, reading, daydreaming, exploring, and hanging out with family and friends!

Why celebrate this concept? It is evident that digital entertainment is dominating kids lives. Too much screen time is linked to poor school performance, obesity, and attention difficulties.

To help you plan screen-free events, there are handouts in English and Spanish available at under the “Essential Handouts” tab. There are also ideas to keep this going beyond Screen-Free Week under the “Additional Resources” tab.

While this event is targeted to children, adults can benefit from putting down the screen and enjoying some time with family and friends.


Avoid the Raw Water Fad

Water is essential for life. So access to safe water is critical for all forms of life. As 2018 begins, a new food fad is spreading to drink “raw water”, or untreated water. People are literally buying it at a premium cost.

Proponents of this dangerous trend claim it has beneficial minerals and is not treated with any chemicals. Those drinking this water claim their “skin is plumper” and they feel they are getting better nutritional value from food.

This fad is dangerous for many reasons. Here are five dangerous microorganisms that can be found in untreated water.

  • Giardia—a parasite that invades the gastrointestinal (GI) system and causes diarrhea, nausea and stomach cramps.
  • Cryptosporidium—a parasite that causes diarrhea and can survive outside of the body for a long time.
  • Campylobacter—a bacteria that affects the GI system and is resistant to many antibiotics.
  • Salmonella—causes diarrhea, fever and cramps for days. Hospitalization is common.
  • E. coli—many strains can cause GI disease, urinary tract infections, pneumonia and more.


Learn more about healthy water at


Walk Kansas is Almost Here!

Get your teams together now! The KSRE Walk Kansas health initiative will be held March 17—May 12, 2018.

The goal of Walk Kansas it to help teams of six people be more active, make better nutrition choices, and walk away stress. For many, it’s a great way to get motivated to lead a healthier life.

Also, mark your calendars for the third annual 5K for the Fight to be held May 5, 2018 on the K-State campus in Manhattan, KS.

Sign up and Walk Kansas!


Kicking Old Habits in the New Year!

Are you stressed, bored, or angry at something or someone? Do you find yourself standing in front of an open refrigerator for relief? Then you are an emotional eater.

Our brains learn by association. A trigger sets the craving in motion which leads to action. When this includes food, this leads to unhealthy eating patterns.

So, in the New Year, it’s time to re-train your brain! Replace that bad eating habit with a new habit that is more healthful. Here are some ideas:

  • Have healthful choices at the ready and easily available. Keep them in the front part of the fridge to grab first.
  • Relax with some good music, a hot shower, or a good book.
  • Get walking! A quick walk or jog helps clear your mind and pushes aside those food cravings.
  • Distract yourself with a hobby, do chores around the house, or get an extra New Year’s resolution checked off the list, like cleaning out a closet!

Happy New Year!

Source: Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter, December 2017


Kansas Healthy Food Initiative

In Kansas, did you know?

  • More than 800,000 Kansans do not have access to healthy, affordable food a reasonable distance from their home.
  • More than 30% of Kansas counties are considered food deserts.
  • Kansas is in the bottom five of states working to reduce food deserts.

The Kansas Healthy Food Initiative (KHFI) wants to improve access of food to Kansans. The KHFI is a public-private partnership with the goal of improve access to food and improve underserved Kansas communities.

The KHFI will provide technical assistance and financing to those wanting to start a food retail operation or improve existing operations. Besides grocery stores, other projects that can apply include farmers markets, co-ops, production and distribution operations. All applicants are encouraged to accept SNAP and WIC benefits. Financing will be given through loans, forgivable loans, grants, or a combination of the three.

To learn more about this program and how food operations can apply, go to or contact the Center for Engagement and Community Development at 785-532-6868 or



Myths about the Alkaline Diet

peppersCan food change your blood pH measurement? Proponents of the alkaline diet claim that eating alkaline foods can prevent many ailments, including cancer, by changing your blood pH, or acid content.

This fad diet eliminates dairy, eggs, meats and cheeses from the diet. It allows fruits, vegetables, nuts, and plant-based protein foods like beans and soy products.

The body does its own work to regulate blood pH. What foods you eat will not change how the body does this work. While foods can change urine pH, food will not change blood pH or cause negative health issues.

The best diet is eating from all food groups and in moderation.


National Women’s Health Week

National Women's Health WeekMay 14-20, 2017 is designated as National Women’s Health Week led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health. The purpose of this celebration is to empower women to make their health a priority and take steps to improve their health.

The theme for this event is “Your health at every age.” At any age, the basics to improve your health include well-woman checkups; preventive health screenings; being physically active; eating a healthful diet; being mindful of mental health; and avoiding unhealthy behaviors.

Learn how to participate in National Women’s Health Week at


National Walking Day 2017

Here’s yet another reason to celebrate healthy living! National Walking Day is April 5, 2017. This event is sponsored by the American Heart Association.

Get your Walk Kansas team to participate! You can sign up at

The theme this year is “Little Steps Big Gains.” Use social media to share your participation with #HealthyForGood.

Learn more at

Thirty minutes of walking can help you improve your goal towards a heart-healthy lifestyle!


Defining Clean Eating

A rainbow of veggies

Lots of conflicting information about eating healthy can leave anyone confused. So the American Heart Association is trying to help clear the confusion.

To start, eat lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This is a common message from many health organizations and educators. Lean meats, low-fat and non-fat dairy, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds are also beneficial.

A healthy, clean diet can also include frozen, canned, and dried foods. Select low-sodium canned foods and fruits canned in water or 100% juice. Choose frozen and dried foods without added salt or sodium.

Some say to avoid the middle aisles of the grocery store. The truth is, many foods in the middle aisles can be a part of a healthy diet.



Obesity Prevalence in 2015

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity still exists in 20% of the U.S. population.

The highest area of obesity is in the Southern states with 31.2%. The lowest area is in the West with 25.2%. Colorado has the lowest rate by state at 20.2%.

Kansas ranks at 31.0% among non-Hispanic whites; 42.7% among non-Hispanic blacks; and 35.4% among Hispanics.

Learn more about obesity prevalence and see the maps and data at: