Recieving a care package with food during the holidays can bring a taste of home and comfort. But, it is important the food arrives safe. Here are some tips to keep in mind.
- Ship in a sturdy box with packing to prevent breakage.
- Perishable foods must be packed with a cold source, i.e., frozen gel packs or dry ice.
- When using dry ice:
- Don’t touch the dry ice with bare hands.
- Don’t let it come in direct contact with food.
- Warn the recipient of its use by writing “Contains Dry Ice” on the outside of the box.
- Use permanent markers to label outside of the box. Use recommended packing tape.
- Label outside clearly; make sure address is complete and correct.
- Write “Keep Refrigerated” on outside of the box.
- Alert recipient of its expected arrival.
- Do not send to business addresses or where there will not be adequate refrigerator storage.
- Do not send packages at the end of the week. Send them at the beginning of the week so they do not sit in the post office or mailing facility over the weekend.
- Whenever possible, send foods that do not require refrigeration, e.g., hard salami, hard cheese, country ham.
For more information, go to the USDA Mail Order Food Safety website. Also, search shipping company websites for more information and best practices.