Kansas State University


Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Department

Category: Fall 2014

Greetings from the Department Head

Dr. William L. Dunn, Department Head of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering


Well, we broke another record this fall—reaching an undergraduate enrollment of 870 students in the mechanical and nuclear engineering (MNE) department! The trend over the last five years in undergraduate enrollment is shown in the chart below. In addition, we now have 63 graduate students, a number we are working to increase significantly over the coming years. To help us deal with this growth, we have active searches ongoing for three new faculty members and we will soon advertise two new staff positions. I am delighted to say that our search committees have done great jobs and we are interviewing eight very promising candidates to fill these new faculty positions. I expect to introduce some new faculty members to you in our next newsletter. Continue reading “Greetings from the Department Head”



A Kansas State University professor and a group of students designed and built a Segway Style Balancing Robot (Segbot). A  two-wheeled, balancing robot, it is an example of an underactuated, nonlinear, nonholonomic dynamic system.

Warren White, MNE associate professor, led the development team. The microcontroller is called the myRIO and is manufactured by National Instruments. The K-State team is the first to develop an application of the myRIO to the Segbot. Continue reading “Segbot”

Special Recognitions


Hosni named International Educator of the Year

Dr. Mo Hosni



Mo Hosni, MNE profosser, was honored as the International Educator of the Year by Kansas State University in a ceremony on Nov. 18, 2014.

The award recognizes Hosni not only for his distinguished record, but also for his key involvement in the Gujurat University (India) summer exchange program; his mentoring of students from Austria, Hong Kong, and many other countries; and his dedicated efforts at distance education that allow students from around the world to experience classes taught by K-State faculty members. Continue reading “Special Recognitions”

Spring 2014 Undergraduate Research Poster Forum


The first Engineering Undergraduate Research Poster Forum on April 22 in the College of Engineering Atrium included 22 poster presentations from five different engineering departments. Research topics included advanced manufacturing and materials, energy, nuclear engineering and sensors, and systems and networks, among other topics. Twenty-six faculty, staff and graduate students were involved in judging the posters, and many others stopped by to view the research posters. Continue reading “Spring 2014 Undergraduate Research Poster Forum”

Noteworthy News

Where are our MNEs?

We would like to hear from you. Email Mitzi Farmer at mwfarmer@k-state.edu with information about your career, family or other post-graduation updates. When you send news be sure to include your name, graduation year, a photo if available and your location.


Employer’s matching gift helps grad’s giving go further
Emily Jones has built a racecar’s suspension, led research and development, coordinated public relations events and recruited corporate sponsors — all before completing her bachelor’s degree.
The mechanical engineering graduate is quick to point out that her involvement with Powercat Motorsports Formula SAE Team transformed her K-State education from textbook information to “a physical representation of what I’d learned.”
Now employed as a Facilities Engineer for ConocoPhillips, Jones has given back to the team that gave so much to her. Her employer matches her charitable giving, doubling the support for today’s team members. Continue reading “Noteworthy News”