Farm producers and ranchers are facing many decisions regarding the Agricultural Act of 2014, also known as the 2014 Farm Bill.
To help with this decision-making process, K-State Research and Extension held meetings throughout the state in January and February. Recordings of presentations are available online.
“More than 4,000 people attended the meetings, with many attending more than one to improve their understanding,” said Mykel Taylor, assistant professor of the Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics. “Surveys at these meetings asked people to rate the value of the information presented on the programs details and the tool. An average of 89% of attendees rated the information as Valuable or Very Valuable on a four point scale (‘Not Valuable’, ‘Somewhat Valuable’, ‘Valuable’, or ‘Very Valuable’).”
The Farm Bill deadline closed Tuesday, April 7. To view full coverage of the videos and updates from the K-State Farm Bill team visit the AgManager website.
Thank you to Art and all of the crew for putting together such timely information on a difficult program. As a crop insurance agent and as a farmer, I found the information and the KSU/OSU website very helpful. Used the website to assist several of our customers that didn’t attend the KSU meetings.