Kansas State University


Department of Agricultural Economics

Author: Amanda Sales

Agricultural Economics Faculty Promoted

Vincent Amanor-Boadu

Kansas State University faculty promotions include 30 faculty members to the rank of associate professor with tenure, 31 faculty members to the rank of full professor, one faculty member to the rank of clinical associate professor and two faculty members were granted tenure. Promotions and tenure go into effect at the beginning of the 2015 fiscal year on June 8.

President Kirk Schulz and Provost and Senior Vice President April Mason will congratulate all newly tenured and promoted faculty members at a reception this spring.

“Each of our new tenured and promoted faculty members have made significant contributions through their teaching, scholarly endeavors and service to their departments and colleges, as well as to the university, and we celebrate these outstanding achievements with them,” Mason said.

Tim Dalton
Timothy Dalton

Earning promotion to full professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics are Vincent Amanor-Boadu and Tim Dalton. Amanor-Boadu began in this department in 2002 as a visiting scholar.  He specializes in agribusiness, business development and entrepreneurship. Dalton began in this department in 2008.  He is currently the Director for the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sorghum and Millet.  His areas of specialization are international economic development and agricultural production.

Christine Wilson completes FSLI

Christine Wilson
Wilson, accompanied by William DeLauder, President Emeritus of Delaware State and the Chair of the APLU Food Systems Leadership Institute Commission; Ann Bartuska, USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Research, Education & Economics; and Marshall Stewart, Director of the APLU Food Systems Leadership Institute (L to R); receives a plaque for completing the 2-year program.

The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities honored Christine Wilson, professor in agricultural economics, for completing the Food Systems Leadership Institute’s (FSLI) Executive Leadership Development Program along with the 21 other fellows in her institute cohort.

FSLI is a 2-year program of the APLU designed for experienced leaders in academia, government, and industry. Through a dynamic curriculum that includes three executive style residential sessions, individual coaching, mentoring, and personal projects, the FSLI seeks to enhance personal leadership ability, develop skills and knowledge for organizational change, and broaden perspectives on integrated food systems.

“The FSLI was a tremendous professional development and growth opportunity for me,” Wilson said. “It has been one of the most valuable experiences of my career.”

FSLI is in partnership with North Carolina State University, Ohio State University and California Polytechnic State University- San Luis Obispo. Financial support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation helped establish FSLI in 2006. Learn more about FSLI.

For a full list of the fellows recognized at the meeting, visit http://www.fsli.org/fellows.html#cohort-8.


Nathan Hendricks Earns Emerging Scholar Award from SAEA

Dr. Hendricks

The Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) awarded Nathan Hendricks, assistant professor in K-State’s Department of Agricultural Economics, the Emerging Scholar award for 2015.

The award is granted to high-performing, early-career professionals who have had their terminal degree for less than seven years. The department’s faculty nominated Hendricks and he was selected based on his qualifications, presentation proposal and curriculum vitae sent in with his nomination.

Winners are invited to give an empirical or conceptual presentation in a symposia session at the SAEA annual meeting, which was Feb. 1-4 in Atlanta. Presentations address issues on the frontier of knowledge in either research, extension or instruction.  Winners are then recognized at the SAEA business meeting, which is in conjunction with the annual meeting, and receive a $250 honorarium.