Kansas State University


In Touch with the Agronomy Department

New Education Center Proposed at the Agronomy North Farm

Artist’s rendition of proposed new Agronomy Education Center at the Agronomy North Farm.

By Brandi Herman

The Kansas State University Department of Agronomy is excited to announce the proposal of an Education Center to be built on the Agronomy Farm just north of the main K-State campus.

“The Agronomy Farm has always had an educational mission, but education has not been well served in terms of facilities,” says Gary Pierzynski, Agronomy Department Head. Continue reading “New Education Center Proposed at the Agronomy North Farm”

Get All the Latest! Follow Agronomy on Twitter and Facebook

By Brandi Herman

In the last six months, the Department of Agronomy has taken a big step in its social media efforts; to complement the already existing Facebook page, the Department has joined Twitter.

The Facebook page is more of a “family side” of the events of the Department and its students. The goal of the Twitter account is, “for the practicing professional, and to provide useful information that they’ll actually use in their job or as producers themselves,” says Gary Pierzynski, Agronomy Department Head. Continue reading “Get All the Latest! Follow Agronomy on Twitter and Facebook”

K-State Team Takes the Lead in Use of Unmanned Aircraft in Agriculture

By Steve Watson

The eyes of the agricultural industry are on Kansas State University and its cutting edge research into the use of drones for remote sensing of plant conditions.

Known as small Unmanned Aircraft Systems, these inexpensive low-flying aircraft have been fitted with optical sensors by a team of K-State researchers and this has opened up an entirely new world of possibilities. Continue reading “K-State Team Takes the Lead in Use of Unmanned Aircraft in Agriculture”

New Investment Strengthens Weather Data Library and Climate Research

By Steve Watson

An increased investment in climate research and climate/weather data management at Kansas State University has paid off with national recognition for the program.

The Department of Agronomy recently achieved Recognized State Climate Office designation from the American Association of State Climatologists, says Gary Pierzynski, Agronomy Department Head. This represents an important milestone. Continue reading “New Investment Strengthens Weather Data Library and Climate Research”

New faculty hires: November 2013

By Steve Watson and Brandi Herman

Several new faculty members have joined the Department of Agronomy since the fall of 2010. Each of them is working hard for you!

Eric Adee. Dr. Eric Adee is the new Agronomist-in-Charge at the East Central Kansas Experiment Field and Kansas River Valley Experiment Field. He grew up on a family farm near Minneapolis, Kansas and farmed until returning to college. He received his B.S. degree in Crop Protection in 1986 and M.S. degree in Plant Pathology at Kansas State University in 1988. He received his Ph.D. in Plant Pathology at the University of Wisconsin. Continue reading “New faculty hires: November 2013”