Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Faculty/Staff Newsletter

Category: 2023 September


Gen Eds and College Requirements

To adjust to K-State’s new general education system, K-State Core, which will go into effect Fall 2024, we are establishing a new set of college requirements. Information about progress is on our Degree Requirements page.

The first read and discussion happened at the Sept. 7 faculty meeting. A second meeting will be held Sept. 28 to vote on the requirements.

Every program must provide a catalog update that aligns it with the new gen eds, incorporates the updated college requirements, and shows all 120 CH of requirements for the degree. If a program offers both BA and BS, we must submit a separate set of requirements for each degree by November.

It is very important for all ArtSci faculty and advisors to be aware of and provide input on these curricular developments, both within your units and at the college level. Please note faculty meeting dates and watch for updates.


Human Resources

Open Enrollment for 2024 insurance coverage begins October 1 and ends October 31 at 11:59 p.m. You must enroll to maintain or change your insurance plan. If you do not enroll, you will default to Plan N with HRA.

Watch K-State Today for the upcoming 2024 Benefits Fair and health insurance information.

New employees (since August), the coverage you selected for 2023 does not roll over to next year; you must re-enroll. If your coverage is effective Sept., Oct., Nov. or Dec. 2023, you will have two portals to enroll in.

J1 visa holders, Plan J continues to meet Department of State requirements.

If you’re leaving K-State at semester’s end, we suggest you log in and waive coverage for 2023 to avoid paying premiums when you don’t have insurance.


graphic showing info about Arts and Sciences Coffee Collab at the Sunderland Innovation Lab Sept 15, 2023
Coffee Collab: Innovation Lab Tour

Fri., Sept. 15 | 10-11:30 a.m.
Hale Library, Sunderland Innovation Lab
For all ArtSci faculty and staff





Faculty Meeting

Thu., Sept. 28 | 3:30-5 p.m.
004 King Hall


graphic showing info about the ArtSci Drop-By Sept. 28, 2023
ArtSci Drop-By

Thu., Sept. 28 | 5:15-7 p.m.
JP’s Union Station
For all ArtSci faculty and staff





Peterson Public Lecture in Physics

Oct. 3 | 4:30
101 Cardwell Hall
Presenter: John C. Mather, principal scientist emeritus of the James Webb Space Telescope and recipient of 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics


Flyer for K-State Soccer's faculty and staff appreciation night Oct. 5, 2023K-State Soccer vs. Houston – Faculty and Staff Appreciation Night

Oct. 5 | 7 p.m.
Tickets only $2!
The team will recognize an impactful professor as well as all faculty and staff members. And it’s $2 Day so tickets and some concessions are reduced to $2!






The Race Card Project

Wed., Oct. 11 | 2-3 p.m.
Hale Library, Room 181
Presented by Tara Coleman, associate professor and programming services


Coffee Collab: Grant Writing Workshop

Thu., Oct. 12 | 10-Noon
Hale Library, Room 307


Faculty Meeting

Thu., Oct. 12 | 3:30-5 p.m.
Location TBA


ArtSci Drop-By

Thu., Oct. 12 | 5:15-7 p.m.
JP’s Union Station


‘A.I. and the Future’ symposium Oct. 16-19, poster abstracts requested by Sept. 15

A.I. and the Future partial graphic

K-State Modern Languages, Hale Library, and Center for AI and Data Science, as well as the Manhattan Public Library, present the free symposium, “A.I. and the Future: Exploring the intersection of Language(s), Science and Ethics,” Oct. 16-19 at Hale Library. The project director is Raelynne Hale, raehale@ksu.edu.

Posters are invited. Abstract submission deadline is Sept. 15.


View all ArtSci events on Localist


Share your department’s events!

We encourage you to tell us about your department’s events and to add them to the Localist calendar. If you tag the college in your event entry, it will populate to the college’s calendar and homepage. To share events with us or get help submitting to Localist, contact Kate Williamson at kate89@ksu.edu.


Upcoming Award Nomination Deadlines

Sept. 18 – Dean’s Office deadline for Coffman Chair for Distinguished Teaching Scholars nominations

Sept. 18 – Dean’s Office deadline for University Distinguished Professor nominations

Sept. 18 – Dean’s Office deadline for Honorary Degree nominations

Oct. 6Commerce Bank Presidential Faculty/Staff Award for Distinguished Services to Historically Underrepresented Students – Office of Diversity


University Distinguished Professor appointments

Nominations for 2024 university distinguished professor appointments can be made by any tenured K-State faculty member by Oct. 2. The college deadline to submit for dean review is Sept. 18. Read announcement

Commerce Bank Presidential Awards for Diversity

Nominations for the Commerce Bank Presidential Faculty/Staff and Student Awards for Diversity are due Fri., Oct. 6, 2023. Learn more

K-State Internal Grants/Awards

Johnson Cancer Research Center faculty research awards and student research awardsDue Oct. 1 (and March 1) annually

Chapman Center for Rural Studies Interdisciplinary Research GrantDue Oct. 27, 2023

VP for Research Faculty Development Awards and University Small Research GrantsDue Oct. 2, 2023 (and March 4, 2024) 

  • Faculty Development Award: Support for travel to international meetings or to meet with program officers from potential external sponsors. For travel/projects occurring Jan. 1 to June 30, apply in the fall. For travel/projects occurring July 1 to Dec. 31, apply in spring. 
  • University Small Research Grants: Seed grants to support early research, scholarly activity and other creative efforts.  

K-State Global – Development Grants for online courses – Due Oct. 2023

ArtSci Grant Writing Workshop (ArtSci Coffee Collab series)

Thu., Oct. 12 | 10 a.m.-noon | Hale Library, Room 307
For College of Arts and Sciences
faculty, staff and students
Led by 
Theresa Merrick, Asst. Dir. of the Writing Center

Learn best practices for grant writing and explore strategies to make proposals and narratives more impactful. Connect with fellow writers and share your grant writing wins and woes. Refreshments provided. Registration requested.

Lead an activity for ‘Girls Researching Our World’

photo of girls playing with sandArtSci faculty and staff are encouraged to lead a STEM activity for middle school students at the Girls Researching our World, or GROW, workshop Oct. 7. Activity proposals are due Sept. 23. Learn more


Ashley Rhodes receives Iman Outstanding Faculty Award

graphic about Dr. Ashley Rhodes getting Iman Teaching Award which includes photo of Dr. Rhodes

Ashley Rhodes, teaching professor in biology, has received a Dr. Ron and Rae Iman Outstanding Faculty Awards recognizing her dedication to her students and work. read more



English, Habitat for Humanity, and Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy partner on community asset mapping project

Photo of Dr. Ania PayneAnia Payne, assistant professor of English, was awarded a $5,000 Engaged Scholarship Research/Creative Activities Grant to complete a collaborative project with Manhattan Area Habitat for Humanity titled, “Community Asset Mapping Through Front Porch Conversations and Writing.” read more

They will partner with Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy facilitators to collect stories from members of Manhattan’s downtown neighborhoods. Listen to the KMAN interview.


Steinmetz explores cybercrime prevention in new book

Image of cover of book, Against Cybercrime: Toward a Realist Criminology of Computer CrimeKevin Steinmetz, professor of criminology, has published the book, “Against Cybercrime: Toward a Realist Criminology of Computer Crime.” It seeks to address the root causes of cybercrimes and chart a course for how computer crimes are studied. read more






Punnet honored for distinguished service

Photo of Ian PunnettIan Punnet, professor of practice in the A.Q. Miller School of Media and Communication and advisor for Wildcat Radio, has received a Kansas Association of Broadcasters Distinguished Service Award in honor of his exemplary service to the community, state and broadcast industry. He will be inducted into the KAB Hall of Fame this fall. read more




Sun co-authors high-impact publication about AI study

Tianjun Sun, assistant professor in psychologyTianjun Sun, assistant professor in psychology, was a co-leading author of a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology. The study, “How well can an AI chatbot infer personality?: Examining psychometric properties of machine-inferred personality scores,” was selected as a high-impact article by the American Psychological Association. read more




Dirks publishes mental health and music education research

photo of Dr. Rachel DirksRachel Dirks, assistant professor and director of orchestral studies, published two works on the intersection of mental health and music education. She and colleagues published the study, “Mental Health and String Education: Identifying Key Concerns Within the American String Teachers Association Community,” in String Research Journal, and she contributed the chapter, “Student and Teacher Mental Health: Nurturing Wellbeing Within a Climate of Trust,” to “The Oxford Handbook of Care in Music Education.” read more

Cranford directs development of family opera with Lyric Opera of KC

photo of associate professor Jerry Jay CranfordJerry Jay Cranford, associate professor of theatre, will work with a prestigious team to develop a new family-friendly opera based on the short story “The Haberdasher Prince” by Dina Gregory.  read more






Wallace receives grant to study cervical cancer

Dr. Nicholas Wallace sitting at hood in laboratoryNicholas Wallace, associate professor in biology, received a $418,000 R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant from NIH to study how HPV turns normal cells into deadly cancer cells. The goal of the project, “Defining the ability of HPV oncogenes to promote mutagenesis,” is to make chemotherapy less toxic. read more




Hope receives grant to establish biorepository

photo of Dr. Andrew Hope, K-State Division of BiologyAndrew Hope, assistant professor of biology, received an NSF grant to establish a biorepository for mammals and mammalian parasites. read more






Crosby receives prestigious lifetime appointment to Society of Antiquaries

photo of Mark Crosby, associate professor of English and director of the Digital Humanities CenterMark Crosby, associate professor of English and director of the Digital Humanities Center in the College of Arts and Sciences, has received a prestigious lifetime appointment as a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. read more





See more good news on our News page!



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Share your unit’s news!
Contact Marcia Locke, marcia@ksu.edu.

Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office
110 Calvin Hall
785-532-6904 | asdeans@k-state.edu
Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m.

View past issues on the college’s Newsletter page.