The department is considering developing a Professional Science Master (PSM) program offered through distance education venues. Admission to the PSM program would require a science- or engineering-based bachelor’s degree plus work experience. Initial discussion has focused on offering options in precision agriculture, water (quantity) and biotechnology. The master’s degree program would include 12 common hours of core subject matter, 16 to 18 hours of technical subject matter related to a specific field and two hours of report.
Your input is needed with our plans. Let us know:
• Is this the type of advanced education that interests you or your company?
• Would you use the course offerings for professional development, continuing education credits or pursue the master’s degree?
• Which field of study would you like to see developed first or are there others that as a department we should consider developing?
• If the opportunity were available, would you be willing to be an adjunct professor and teach, via video, a one-, two- or three-credit-hour course?
Send your thoughts and input to Joe Harner at or 785-532-5580.