“What Grade Do You Deserve?”
by Chris Reinhardt, feedlot specialist
How often do you grade your operation? Or do you regularly bring in an outside consultant to evaluate your organization? There is great value in having an outside expert critique your actual operating practices.
Do you view your operation with critical eyes? Or do you believe you’re already doing everything as “right” as possible? The problem with self-evaluation is that it’s hard for us to know what “normal” should be when we are immersed in what is “normal” for our operation.
I have visited some operations where “normal” animal handling procedures are less than ideal based on current standards and best management practices. How frequently do your animal handlers use a whip or hot shot? What is “normal” for your operation may not be considered “normal” for the rest of the cattle industry or, more importantly, acceptable by your ultimate customer—the beef consumer. Do your cattle handlers routinely yell and whistle while moving stock? If this has become “normal” for your operation, it may be time for you to either critically evaluate your standard animal handling practices or bring in an outside expert to do it for you.
How you train and monitor animal handling practices determines the message you send your cattle crew as to what is appropriate. People will fall into old habits when permitted. Just like any other operational procedure, good habits can be trained and reinforced. Catch people doing things wrong and re-direct them; catch people doing things right and commend them. Be intentional. Make this a priority. Have regular training sessions and solicit feedback. Communicate the importance and value of appropriate animal handling practices. Be transparent. Most folks desire to do things right, once they know what the right thing is. Animal caregivers by their nature want to know they are doing right by the animals in their care.
We are at a critical time in all of animal agriculture with respect to our management practices; we are being observed and graded by our customer. The question you must ask yourself is, “What grade do I deserve?”