Beef Tips

September 2009 Feedlot Facts

“Weaning Calf Rations”

by Chris Reinhardt, feedlot specialist

‘Tis the season: weaning time. This month we’ll address on-the-farm weaning rations.

The biggest hurdle in getting calves started off right in the fall is the weather. That’s one reason to consider early weaning and subsequent backgrounding. If calves get through the stressful process of weaning from their dam and onto feed ahead of the annual late-October 35º rain, they have a good chance at success.

Good quality grass hay is very palatable and a good way to attract bawling calves to the bunk. Don’t use a bale ring; you’ll just need to re-train them to the bunk later. After 1-2 days of hay feeding, limit hay consumption to about 1.0% of bodyweight (5 lb for 500 lb calf) and top-dress 3-5 lb/head (for 500 lb calf) of the weaning ration on top of the hay. As calves consume this small amount of mixed diet, begin to further reduce the amount of hay you feed each day and increase the amount of mixed diet. CAUTION: Increase the feed offered per head very gradually. Excessive consumption of even a moderate energy starter diet can cause acidosis in a calf which hasn’t been fully adapted to grain. Increase the ration no more than 2 lbs/head every other day. If calves are hungry, feed 1-2 lbs of extra hay in the bunk. If stools become loose, you may have increased the ration too rapidly. If this happens, feed an additional 1-2 lbs/head of hay. Healthy calves should consume about 3% of bodyweight by 14 days on feed. Sick calves may take longer to reach this level of consumption. Gauge any changes you make to feed deliveries on cattle behavior and disease status—slower may be better in the long run.

You want to make the weaning diet as easy of transition for the calves as possible. You need to deliver energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals, all in a form that they will readily consume. A standard mixture of 50% ground hay (grass or grass/alfalfa mix), 50% concentrate (including cracked or ground grain and starter supplement) can be fairly easy to blend and manage. However, if byproduct feeds such as wheat midds, soy hulls, distillers grains, or corn gluten feed are available and inexpensive, they can be substituted for a portion of the grain component. Silage should be limited to ≤10% in the starter ration but can be increased in later step-up diets.

Avoid the temptation to skimp on QUALITY of starter ingredients; also, avoid the temptation to rush the QUANTITY of starter ration you provide for the calves to eat. When calves have consumed 3% of their body weight of the starter ration continuously for 3-5 days, you can move them up to the next step-up ration.

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