Beef Tips

K-State Research and Extension Resources at your fingertips

Most operations have multiple enterprises to manage and all have to deal with business plans, taxes, and financial aspects.  So while and BeefTips might provide you useful information for your cattle operation, there a number of other great resources available through K-State Research and Extension to support the broader aspects of your business.   A few of those are highlighted below.

Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports – An online collection of preliminary results of research conducted on campus and around in the state in crops and livestock including past Cattlemen’s Day reports. – Developed by the Department of Agricultural Economics, there are lots of great resources to explore at this site.  The site hosts a variety of tools such as a monthly cash flow for operating loans and a pasture rental rate decision tool.   Livestock budgets and tools for developing share lease arrangements are frequently used. Proceedings and presentations are available from 2010 to 2018 Risk and Profit Conferences.

Kansas Farm Management Association (KFMA) – You can find this linked from the top of the site.  Their quarterly newsletter has topics related to tax changes, machinery and equipment costs, and debt repayment to name a few. Another area of the site lists various research articles that use the KFMA data for analysis such as paper on differences in high-, medium-, and low-profit cow-calf producers.

e-Updates – The Extension Agronomy team provides a weekly e-Update on Fridays.  Topics include alfalfa management, musk thistle control, prescribed burning workshops, optimal time to remove cattle from wheat pasture plus a range of timely soil, weed and cropping system information.

Kansas Climate for information on longer term or historical weather information (timing of first fall freeze, normal snowfall, probability of precipitation)

Kansas Mesonet for current weather resources (temperature, 24-hr precipitation, wind)

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