Beef Tips

November 2021 Feedlot Facts

By: Justin Waggoner, Ph.D., Beef Systems Specialist

“Estimating Placed Cost of Gain using the Focus on Feedlots”

The K‐State Focus on Feedlot has many uses, foremost it provides many of us that are not directly connected with the cattle feeding industry a means of staying abreast of cattle performance and closeout data from commercial feeding operations. The historical data may also be used to build economic budgets for cattle producers considering retaining ownership or placing a group of cattle on feed as commodity and input prices change. One of the simplest ways to estimate placed cost of gain is to look at the relationship between reported corn price and reported projected cost of gain for steers and heifers. The data obtained from the Focus on Feedlots from 2009 to 2019 is shown in the graphs below.

The relationship between corn price and placed cost of gain is expressed in the following formulas:

Projected Steer Cost of Gain ($/cwt) = $33.28 + ($11.16 x Corn Price).

Projected Heifer Cost of Gain ($/cwt) = $34.83 + ($11.57 x Corn Price).

These formulas may be used to forecast the projected cost of gain if corn price is known. The table below lists the projected cost of gain at various corn prices from $3.00 to $7.00 per bushel. Projected Cost of Gain for Steers and Heifers Based on Corn

There are many factors that influence cost of gain, primarily cattle performance (ADG, Feed conversion. etc.) which is not necessarily taken into account with this method. However, this does provide a simple method that can easily be adjusted up or down to fit specific groups/types of cattle and expected weather conditions during the feeding period. For more information contact Justin Waggoner at

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