- Body condition score both spring- and fall-calving cows.
- Target BCS for spring calvers at calving: 5 for mature cows, 6 for young females.
- Adjust nutrition program prior to calving as needed for spring-calvers
- Ensure fall-calvers maintain BCS through winter if still nursing calves
- Continue grazing crop residues and dormant pastures as they are available but be prepared to move cattle or provide supplemental feed as conditions dictate.
- Be ready to react to severe winter weather effects on cow nutrient requirements by providing additional feed which may be more challenging this year with a tighter supply of forages.
- Review your nutrition program and test harvested forages for the following:
- Moisture/dry matter
- Crude protein
- Energy (NEm, NEg, and/or TDN)
- Fiber components (ADF, NDF)
- Macro-minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, salt)
- Nitrates when appropriate
- Starch for silage crops
- Manage young and mature bulls during the offseason to ensure bulls are BCS ≥ 5.0 prior to the next season of use and have adequate winter protection.
- Consider your plans for weaning and marketing fall-born calves.
- Watch the feeder calf market
- Evaluate your feed resources and cost of gain
- Talk to prospective buyers in advance of selling
- Review/update your health protocols as needed for newborn calves.
- Consider either supplementing fall-calving pairs or creep feeding fall-born calves to maintain calf performance on low-quality winter forages.
Monitor replacement heifers to ensure they are adequately growing and developing, take check weights and adjust your plane of nutrition accordingly.
- Update herd records and use them to assess performance.
- Review your genetic selection strategy to ensure your goals are met.
- Develop and/or revise your risk management plans for the coming year.
- Discuss herd health protocol with your veterinarian.
- Take inventory of supplies and clean equipment prior to spring calving.
- Ensure plans are in place to provide bedding, wind protection, and snow removal.
- Make arrangements to ensure sufficient water is available in freezing conditions.
- Evaluate your short and long-term herd inventory goals with current conditions.
- Renew lease arrangements as necessary.
- Schedule an annual meeting with your lender, insurance agent and extension professional