Beef Tips

Managing and Leading Change

Justin Waggoner, Ph.D., Beef Systems Specialist

As the saying goes, “the only constant is change” and most people are often resistant to change in general. Change is often viewed as negative, although it can and is often a good thing. The process of initiating, and leading an organization or a group of co-workers through Change can be difficult. Experts suggest that the best way to lead an organization through any type of change is to clearly communicate the “Why” and the vision for “Where are we headed” first and then focus on the “How are we going to get there.” It is also important to recognize informal leaders who can serve as “Change Agents” to champion the process and engage others in the organization at many different levels. Organizational change affects everyone and thus everyone has to be engaged. Lastly, it’s critical to reinforce and reward individuals or teams that are embracing the change. Change is a process and it’s the role of the leader to guide people through the process. Leading through change requires communication, feedback and most importantly letting people be a part of the process.

For more information, contact Justin Waggoner at

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