Beef Tips

Author: Sandy Johnson

How Does Moisture and Composition Affect Feedstuff Costs?

Jason Warner, extension cow-calf specialist

In the previous edition of KSU Beef Tips (July 2024; How Much Does Water Cost? – Beef Tips (, the importance of the fundamental concept of dry matter (DM) was discussed along with how to price feedstuffs on a cost per unit of DM basis.  While understanding the impact of feedstuff DM is critical for making informed management decisions, we also must consider how differences in nutrient composition, in addition to DM, influence feedstuff cost scenarios.  Continue reading “How Does Moisture and Composition Affect Feedstuff Costs?”

Introducing the new Kansas State Climatologist website

The Office of the Kansas State Climatologist, hosted by Kansas State University’s Agronomy Department, has launched an enhanced version of its website. This platform is an integrated, comprehensive resource for Kansas citizens, particularly oriented toward state agencies, farmers, and stakeholders. It provides reliable climate information to support agricultural and environmental decision-making. Continue reading “Introducing the new Kansas State Climatologist website”

How Much Does Water Cost?

Jason Warner, extension cow-calf specialist

Mark Twain has often been credited with the infamous statement “Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over.”.  While applicability of this quote varies based on the context with which it is used, it highlights the fact that water is a precious and valuable resource.  Just as we pay for bottled water at the convenience store, we pay for water when we purchase and/or harvest feedstuffs for beef cattle.  This is an important concept to keep in mind as nearly every feedstuff commonly used in nutrition programs for beef cattle, with the exception of pure forms of some minerals and vitamins, can and will gain or lose moisture depending on harvesting, processing, and storage conditions. Continue reading “How Much Does Water Cost?”

Farmers and Ranchers at an Increased Risk of Skin Cancer

When outdoors for work or play, it’s important to protect yourself and loved ones from harmful rays which can increase your risk of skin cancer and premature aging.

Ashley Svaty, Family and Consumer Sciences specialist with K-State Western Kansas Research and Extension Center in Hays and one of the authors of “Protect Your Skin from the Sun”, notes that “One in five Americans will develop skin cancer, which is the world’s most common cancer, and farmers, ranchers, and outdoor workers are exposed to 2-3 times more radiation than indoor workers.” Nearly 20 Americans die every day from melanoma, which is the deadliest form of skin cancer. Continue reading “Farmers and Ranchers at an Increased Risk of Skin Cancer”

Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Workshop In Athens, GA Sept. 4-5

COLBY, Kan. – The Beef Reproduction Task Force and the University of Georgia will host the 2024 Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Workshop in Athens, GA on Sept. 4-5. The meeting will be held at the Classic Center, 300 N Thomas St, Athens, GA. Continue reading “Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Workshop In Athens, GA Sept. 4-5”

Save the Date: 25th Annual Stocker Field Day Sept. 26th

Beef cattle outlook, coccidiosis, beef on dairy opportunities and challenges, pasture burning and the first 30 days on feed are among topics planned for 2024 Kansas State University Beef Stocker Field Day on Thursday, Sept. 26. The conference will be hosted at the KSU Beef Stocker Unit. Continue reading “Save the Date: 25th Annual Stocker Field Day Sept. 26th”

The Effects of Thawing Method on Consumer Palatability Ratings of Beef Strip Loin Steaks

Objective:The objective of this study was to determine palatability differences in beef strip loin steaks among various U.S. Department of Agriculture approved thawing methods and those commonly utilized by consumers. Continue reading “The Effects of Thawing Method on Consumer Palatability Ratings of Beef Strip Loin Steaks”

Comparing the Performance of Cattle Castrated Using Different Techniques Upon Arrival at the Feedlot

Objective:To determine the least detrimental castration technique in terms of growth performance when castrating cattle upon entry to the feedlot. Continue reading “Comparing the Performance of Cattle Castrated Using Different Techniques Upon Arrival at the Feedlot”

Restricting Bunk Space Allotments to 6 or 10 Inches has Minimal Impact on Growth Performance in Limit-Fed Receiving Cattle

Objective:The objective of our experiment was to determine if bunk allotments of 6, 10, 14, or 18 in per head in pens containing 18 to 28 head impacts growth performance of growing calves limit-fed a high-energy diet based on corn and corn co-products. Continue reading “Restricting Bunk Space Allotments to 6 or 10 Inches has Minimal Impact on Growth Performance in Limit-Fed Receiving Cattle”

Effects of Dietary Energy Concentration and Feed Intake on Growth Performance of Newly Received Growing Cattle Fed Diets Based on Corn and Corn Co-Products

Objective:This study’s focus was to evaluate if feeding equal amounts of energy from a high-energy limit-fed diet has an effect on growth performance of growing beef cattle when compared to traditional high-roughage ad libitum diets. Continue reading “Effects of Dietary Energy Concentration and Feed Intake on Growth Performance of Newly Received Growing Cattle Fed Diets Based on Corn and Corn Co-Products”