Beef Tips

Category: November 2020

Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 (CFAP2) Webinar

To further assist American farmers and ranchers with ongoing financial challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, USDA is implementing a second round of Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) payments to producers of row crops, livestock, dairy, specialty crops and more.  Robin Reid, K-State extension farm economist and leaders from the Kansas State FSA office break down how these payment rates were determined and what producers can expect for assistance in a webinar recording on Livestock specific comments start at 18 minutes and 30 seconds into the recording.  Farm Service Agency will be taking applications for the CFAP 2 program September 21-December 11th, 2020.

Current Kansas Forage Conditions

Weather has varied widely across the state during the growing season and consequently impacted pasture and forage availability.  Producers may have gaps to fill in their forage inventory either because of quality and or quantity issues.  Others may be in the position of looking for marketing opportunities for surplus supplies.  The Oct. 29, 2020 Kansas drought monitor map has most of the state abnormally dry or worse.  The KSU Beef team provides a summary of area conditions. Continue reading “Current Kansas Forage Conditions”

Troubleshooting Poor Reproductive Performance in Cows

By Sandy Johnson, extension beef specialist, Colby and Gregg Hanzlicek, DVM, Veterinary Diagnostic Lab

When the number of cows pregnant is far below expectations, poor reproductive performance by both cows and bulls must be considered.  Keep in mind that in some cases multiple issues may contribute.  This article will focus on the female and highlight questions that are typically asked when troubleshooting low pregnancy rates. Continue reading “Troubleshooting Poor Reproductive Performance in Cows”

Focus on Feedlots: Spring 2020

By: Justin Waggoner, Ph.D., Beef Systems Specialist, Garden City

There has been considerable interest in the K-State Focus on Feedlots report and more specifically fed cattle performance during the Spring of 2020. The graphs below illustrate average days on feed, final weights and feed conversion of steers and heifers in 2020, 2019 and 2018 in the Focus on Feedlots data. Continue reading “Focus on Feedlots: Spring 2020”