Beef Tips

Tag: Annual Forage Insurance

Managing Drought Risk with Annual Forage Insurance

Jenny Ifft, Agricultural Policy Extension Specialist

Nearly all of Kansas is currently experiencing abnormally dry or moderate drought conditions. For producers who grow annual crops for the purpose of feeding cattle or other livestock, Annual Forage Insurance (AFI) is a tool to manage drought risk.  Continue reading “Managing Drought Risk with Annual Forage Insurance”

Annual Forage Insurance: New Policy Options and 2022 Performance

What is Annual Forage Insurance?

Annual Forage (AF) insurance is a rainfall index product for annual crops produced for forage.[1] AF insures against reduced forage yield due to less precipitation than normal. When rainfall falls below a set amount, a payout or indemnity is made. Precipitation (rainfall) is measured locally, in an approximately 14×16 mile area called a “grid”. A producer selects the months (intervals), weight (importance) of months, and % precipitation (coverage level) they want to insure for. Continue reading “Annual Forage Insurance: New Policy Options and 2022 Performance”