Beef Tips

Tag: mesonet

Managing Beef Cows During Cold Stress

Jason Warner, cow-calf specialist & Justin Waggoner, beef cattle specialist, Garden City

Cow-calf producers generally recognize that severe winter weather is a stressor which increases cow nutrient requirements.  The practical questions that must be asked when managing cowherds through cold stress events are “What is cold to cow?”, “What nutrients increase and by how much?”, and “How should the feeding program be adjusted to offset the increase?”. Continue reading “Managing Beef Cows During Cold Stress”

Introducing the new Kansas State Climatologist website

The Office of the Kansas State Climatologist, hosted by Kansas State University’s Agronomy Department, has launched an enhanced version of its website. This platform is an integrated, comprehensive resource for Kansas citizens, particularly oriented toward state agencies, farmers, and stakeholders. It provides reliable climate information to support agricultural and environmental decision-making. Continue reading “Introducing the new Kansas State Climatologist website”

K-State Research and Extension Resources at your fingertips

Most operations have multiple enterprises to manage and all have to deal with business plans, taxes, and financial aspects.  So while and BeefTips might provide you useful information for your cattle operation, there a number of other great resources available through K-State Research and Extension to support the broader aspects of your business.   A few of those are highlighted below. Continue reading “K-State Research and Extension Resources at your fingertips”