Beef Tips

Tag: methane

Can Common Management Strategies Work for Sustainability Markets?

Logan Thompson, sustainable grazing systems & Carlee Salisbury, graduate student

Sustainability is a topic that has been commonly discussed, sometimes at a frustrating frequency, as something the beef industry needs to make progress on, on several fronts. Today, the aspect of sustainability that is brought up by consumers, policymakers and industry members is greenhouse gas emissions. Really, what the conversation is about is carbon. Either carbon in the soil as a result of sequestrated carbon dioxide (CO2) or methane (CH4) produced as a byproduct of rumen fermentation. This is a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) with a global warming potential of 28 times that of CO2 over a 100-year time horizon and is responsible for 30% of the methane budget in the U.S. Continue reading “Can Common Management Strategies Work for Sustainability Markets?”

Managing Production Systems for the Future

Jason Warner, extension cow-calf specialist

The term “sustainability” has been used a lot in recent years in nearly every industry.  It seems that it has become more common for companies and organizations to have a claim that a product or service has been produced “sustainably”, and this usually is in reference to the environment.  Keeping in mind the environmental impact on how goods are produced and working to better understand and subsequently minimize our footprint on the environment is certainly a good thing for society.  Continue reading “Managing Production Systems for the Future”

Accounting for the environmental impact of grazing cattle: appreciating our ecological niche

Logan Thompson, Sustainable Grazing Systems

Today, the beef industry is increasingly facing calls to act on its perceived impact on climate change and other negative ecological impacts that occur from production activities. This includes greenhouse gas emissions, soil degradation, eutrophication of water ways (accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients) and a decrease in biodiversity. It may come as a surprise to some that the largest source of greenhouse gases from beef production arises from our grazing operations. Chiefly this is from the cow-calf sector and primarily in the form of methane produced during the ruminal fermentation process (Rotz et al., 2019). If we consider that methane production is primarily driven by level of intake and quality of the diet, then this does make sense as many cows are grazing for the entire year, generally, all the while consuming a lower quality diet than fed in confinement operations and weaning approximately 0.85 calves per cow exposed per year. However, these estimates may not tell the complete story of the ecological niche that grazing cattle play in our grassland ecosystems or how their emission estimates compare to historical or current wildlife populations. Continue reading “Accounting for the environmental impact of grazing cattle: appreciating our ecological niche”