Beef Tips

Tag: round bale feeders

Choose the Right Hay Feeder to Reduce Waste and Cut Cost

Emma Briggs, Beef Production Systems, Hays

Reducing hay waste is one of the simplest ways to improve the efficiency and profitability of cattle operations. Every operation is different, but the type of hay feeder you choose can significantly impact how much forage is wasted during feeding. Some feeders are designed to hold hay securely and keep it clean, while others allow for more spillage and contamination. By understanding how feeder design influences hay loss, you can make the best choice for your operation and see the benefits in your bottom line. Continue reading “Choose the Right Hay Feeder to Reduce Waste and Cut Cost”

“Clean-Up” Now Pays Off Later in the Season

By Herschel George, Watershed Specialist and Pat Murphy, Biological and Agricultural Engineering

It’s mid-winter and we are looking forward to moving cattle to new grass!  New grass means an opportunity to stop feeding hay and getting the cattle out of the muddy conditions.  New grass season is also the time to “Clean-Up” the manure and waste hay around the winter feeding site(s).

Feeding site maintenance can improve cattle health and performance, protect groundwater and surface water, reduce odor, and reduce insect populations. It does take some time and effort to properly clean feeding sites, but the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Continue reading ““Clean-Up” Now Pays Off Later in the Season”