Beef Tips

Tag: stable flies

Make 2025 your year to finally beat flies!

by Cassandra Olds, extension entomologist

With warming weather and cattle going out onto pasture soon, many of you may be considering your fly control options. Every year, stable and horn flies cause significant economic losses, but a good fly control program can minimize this impact. Although often grouped together, these are very different flies that need different control approaches. Continue reading “Make 2025 your year to finally beat flies!”

“Clean-Up” Now Pays Off Later in the Season

By Herschel George, Watershed Specialist and Pat Murphy, Biological and Agricultural Engineering

It’s mid-winter and we are looking forward to moving cattle to new grass!  New grass means an opportunity to stop feeding hay and getting the cattle out of the muddy conditions.  New grass season is also the time to “Clean-Up” the manure and waste hay around the winter feeding site(s).

Feeding site maintenance can improve cattle health and performance, protect groundwater and surface water, reduce odor, and reduce insect populations. It does take some time and effort to properly clean feeding sites, but the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Continue reading ““Clean-Up” Now Pays Off Later in the Season”