Kansas State University


Department of Marketing

Author: cleeds

Dear Friends,

In this issue of our newsletter you will find articles about our K-State Student Sales team, our National Strategic Selling Institute, and awards presented to our faculty.

If you have any suggestions for our newsletter, please contact me at kgwinner@ksu.edu.

Our annual Department of Marketing Advisory Council meeting will be on Friday, September 20, 2013.  The program will include an update on activities at the University, in the College of Business Administration, and in the Marketing Department. We will also feature a discussion and feedback session of our curriculum, an update on the development of the sales lab, and continue our popular student-advisory council networking session designed to give more interaction with our students. We will have our annual golf tournament at 3:30 pm following the Advisory Council meeting.

Kevin Gwinner, Department Head

Making the Sale; News from the National Strategic Selling Institute

Prepared by Dawn Deeter (ddeeter@k-state.edu)

It has been a busy year in the National Strategic Selling Institute (NSSI)! Our new curriculum is in place; we offered the Sales Management class for the first time fall semester, and the Advanced Sales class is being offered currently (spring semester). Additionally, we have put together a proposal for a Certificate in Professional Strategic Selling; once approved, this certificate program would be available to any Kansas State student. Continue reading “Making the Sale; News from the National Strategic Selling Institute”

K-State Sales Cats Make Great Strides at National Competition

The K-State Sales Cats Sales Team represents the university at numerous regional and national competitions. Competitions allow our students to practice their selling skills in a realistic environment, participating in a 20-minute “sales call” as a representative of a product chosen by the competition sponsor. All “sales calls” are judged by sales professionals, with students receiving feedback from the judges. Continue reading “K-State Sales Cats Make Great Strides at National Competition”

Advanced Sales Students Gain Real world Experience via Benefit Auction

For the first time this year K-State is offering a class in Advanced Sales.  Students taking this class are interested in pursuing a career in sales.  Based on the advice of the NSSI Advisory Board, we decided to coordinate the class around a live event that would allow the students to gain real sales experience.  Continue reading “Advanced Sales Students Gain Real world Experience via Benefit Auction”