After a battle with cancer, Rusty Andrews died on May 9, 2016, at age 61.
Rusty graduated from K-State’s MFT master’s program in 1993 and doctoral program in 1997. He stayed connected to the program over the years through periodically providing supervision and teaching, including psychopathology, sex therapy, couples therapy and systems consulting, and Rusty served as the interim program director during the 2006-07 academic year. His enthusiasm and boisterous laugh were infectious and Rusty cared deeply for students and the larger family therapy field.
Rusty opened Andrews & Associates, a group practice in Manhattan where several K-State MFT graduates have engaged in full or part time clinical work over the years. He served as executive director, president and legislative liaison with the Kansas Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, KAMFT, for many years and was instrumental in the effort toward third party reimbursement for MFTs in Kansas. Rusty also helped to establish the fundraising arm of KAMFT with the KAMFT Educational Foundation.
Rusty is survived by his wife of nearly 42 years, Jenne, their three kids and four grandkids. A celebration of life was held in Manhattan on May 17th.
Donations can be made in Rusty Andrews’ name to the KAMFT Educational Foundation or Manhattan Christian College.
Additional details are available at:
A great therapist and teacher. What he did for the MFT community will live on through all those he touched.