Kansas State University


Couple and Family Therapy

Third annual Tony Jurich social justice lecture Sept. 22

Christi McGeorgeDr. Christi McGeorge, professor in the couple and family therapy doctoral program at North Dakota State University, will present the third annual Tony Jurich Lecture on Social Justice at 2 p.m., Thursday, September 22.

The afternoon lecture, “The ethical and just treatment of LGB clients: beliefs and practices of family therapists,” and reception will be held at the K-State Student Union and follow a morning workshop for faculty and students of the marriage and family therapy program at K-State. Both presentations will address developing an affirming environment for LGBT students and clients.

McGeorge is currently the past chair for the NCFR Family Therapy Section and an elected member of the NCFR Inclusion and Diversity Committee. Additionally, she is a clinical fellow and approved supervisor in the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, AAMFT, and has served as has twice served as president of the North Dakota Division of AAMFT. She serves on editorial boards for the Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy and Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. McGeorge’s research focuses on the influence of heterosexism and homophobia on clinical practice and training, gender equity in therapy, gender equity in higher education, feminist theories and societal perceptions of single parents. McGeorge has authored over 30 articles, three book chapters, and book reviews and encyclopedia entries.

The lecture series honors Tony Jurich, a professor who taught in the School of Family Studies and Human Services for more than 39 years before his death in 2010. Jurich earned national recognition for his work as a leader in the field of family therapy.

“He believed in social justice and challenged his students and colleagues to value diversity, promote equality and endorse fairness,” said Sandra Stith, university distinguished professor and former director of the marriage and family therapy program.

In 2014, Jurich’s wife, Olivia Collins, and his brother, Steve Jurich, established the Tony Jurich Community Commitment and Leadership Student Awards, which recognize graduating students who demonstrate a commitment to the professor’s core leadership tenets.

“The tenets — strive for resonance; assume value and be respectful; be compassionate; do what is right; seek out, affirm and utilize diversity; and lead by example — provide a road map for sustainable community change,” said Marcie Lechtenberg, marriage and family therapist, instructor and therapist supervisor in the School of Family Studies and Human Services. She received a Jurich graduate student award in 2014. “Tony was loved and respected as a dedicated therapist, an enthusiastic teacher and researcher, and a wise supervisor and mentor,” Lechtenberg said.

There is an excellence fund set up to honor Dr. Tony Jurich and to provide financial assistance to the School of Family Studies and Human Services in the College of Human Ecology at Kansas State University.