Kansas State University


Couple and Family Therapy

Author: Anne Rubash

Our new program director, Glade Topham

Glade TophamIt is my great pleasure to introduce myself to the K-State MFT community. For the past 13 years I have been a member of the MFT faculty at Oklahoma State University, serving as their program director for the past nine years. Although it was difficult to leave because I treasured the relationships I developed with faculty, staff and students at OSU, I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to be part of such a stellar program at K-State and look forward to all of the opportunities ahead.

Prior to OSU, I received my B.S. in family science, M.S. in MFT from Brigham Young University and Ph.D. in MFT from Texas Tech University. My wife, Becky, and I have six children: Josh, 18, who is starting his freshman year at Utah State University this fall; Andrew,16; Aubrey, 13; Emily, 10; Maci, 7; and Alyssa, 5.

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Reflections with Sandra Stith

Sandra StithSandra Stith is a University Distinguished Professor and a Vera Mowrey McAninch Endowed Professor in the School of Family Studies and Human Services. She earned her Ph.D. in marriage and family therapy from K-State and was a professor in the MFT program at Virginia Tech’s Falls Church campus for 20 years before coming to K-State in 2007.  Her primary research interest is in understanding and treating intimate partner violence, or IPV. Dr. Stith recently stepped down from her roles as a professor and director of the Marriage and Family Therapy program and we had the chance to ask her a few questions.

How did you become interested in IPV research? I taught in the public schools for six years before starting graduate school and often felt helpless as I tried to teach children who were experiencing challenging home lives. I knew that I wanted my work as a therapist and as a researcher to make a difference for those children and individuals and families dealing with violence at home. My dissertation addressed police response to domestic violence. For me, it has been important to keep focused and to conduct research that can help us end violence in families.  Continue reading “Reflections with Sandra Stith”

In memorium: Emmett “Rusty” Andrews

Rusty AndrewsAfter a battle with cancer, Rusty Andrews died on May 9, 2016, at age 61.

Rusty graduated from K-State’s MFT master’s program in 1993 and doctoral program in 1997. He stayed connected to the program over the years through periodically providing supervision and teaching, including psychopathology, sex therapy, couples therapy and systems consulting, and Rusty served as the interim program director during the 2006-07 academic year. His enthusiasm and boisterous laugh were infectious and Rusty cared deeply for students and the larger family therapy field. Continue reading “In memorium: Emmett “Rusty” Andrews”

Third annual Tony Jurich social justice lecture Sept. 22

Christi McGeorgeDr. Christi McGeorge, professor in the couple and family therapy doctoral program at North Dakota State University, will present the third annual Tony Jurich Lecture on Social Justice at 2 p.m., Thursday, September 22.

The afternoon lecture, “The ethical and just treatment of LGB clients: beliefs and practices of family therapists,” and reception will be held at the K-State Student Union and follow a morning workshop for faculty and students of the marriage and family therapy program at K-State. Both presentations will address developing an affirming environment for LGBT students and clients. Continue reading “Third annual Tony Jurich social justice lecture Sept. 22”

Relevate: greater access to relationship education for all

Relevate LogoRelevate is a new word around the K-State MFT program, in fact it’s a word starting to emerge at research conferences, in classrooms and on social media. Relevate is a verb that means to elevate your relationship, but it’s also a name for the interdisciplinary team created by our very own Amber Vennum. The Relevate team consists of marriage and family therapists, computer engineers, marketing specialists, relationship scholars and educators, and young adults who are passionate about improving the health of individuals and their relationships. Over the past two and a half years, this team has worked toward developing a smartphone app and website meant to fill the chasm between current relationship research and the research-based relationship knowledge accessible to the public.

Continue reading “Relevate: greater access to relationship education for all”