Category: Fall 2014
Update on our new graduates
Sarah F. Webb is now assistant dean and director of student life at K-State. Her duties include being liaison with the Colleges of Agriculture, Education and Human Ecology, and the Global Campus to provide direct support to students experiencing a variety of academic and personal challenges. She also serves as a co-chair of the Kansas State University Critical Incident Response Team.
Jenna Tripodi is a coordinator for K-State’s Center for Advocacy, Response and Education, formerly the Women’s Center, where she advocates for survivors of sexual violence on campus and create/implement educational campaigns to combat sexual violence on campus.
Kristy L. Soloski joined Texas Tech University as an assistant professor in the marriage and family therapy program. She teaches child and adolescent development, diversity and grant writing and conducts research related to adolescent substance use in an effort to influence the current systemic treatment practices in the field.
Aaron Norton accepted a position as an assistant professor in family therapy at Texas Woman’s University, the first public university in Texas to offer M.S. and Ph.D. degrees for marriage and family therapists.
Your support makes a difference
Friends and alumni of Marriage and Family Therapy make a difference in the lives of our students in many ways. They offer internships, travel to Manhattan to talk to classes, hire graduates, help guide the program and donate financial support. A special thank you to each of you.
To explore ways to give to the MFT Excellence Fund, contact Jennifer Rettele-Thomas, senior development director for Human Ecology, at the Kansas State University Foundation, 2323 Anderson Ave., Suite 500, Manhattan, Ks. 66502, or jenniferr@found.ksu.edu or 800-432-1578.
Stay connected by phone by calling Amanda Bender at 785-532-6984 or by email at ksumft@k-state.edu or at family@k-state.edu. Visit us on line at he.k-state.edu/fshs/programs.
College of Human Ecology
John Buckwalter, dean
School of Family Studies and Human Services
Dorothy Durband, director