During spring and summer of 2017, Nancy O’Conner secured resources from the college and upgraded the Family Center audio/visual technology. New digital cameras replaced the old analog ones, computers were installed in observation rooms to control cameras, and a new video server and viewing software were added.
Since starting as clinic director this summer, Marcie Lechtenberg has also made a number of significant updates to the Family Center. The computers in the square office were moved to an empty room across from table room where four computer stations are available for viewing session video and completing session paperwork. The square office was converted to a meeting space for students.
A flat panel LED monitor, computer, and web conferencing system were installed in table room, and new conference tables were added to the upstairs conference room and table room. New couches and chairs have replaced all the old furniture in the clinical rooms. During the spring of 2018, we will be adding coats of fresh paint, new blinds and lamps in all of the clinical rooms.
Finally, we are in the process of requesting resources to replace the furniture and all the computers in the computer lab and add a flat screen monitor to allow for the computer lab to be used for stats classes.