What an exciting year 2014-2015 was. The Commission on Accreditation for Family Therapy Education has renewed our accreditation for 6 years, May 1, 2015 – May 1, 2021. We value our status as an accredited program and work hard to make sure we maintain our accreditation status.
After completing my second self-study in seven years, I have decided to step down from my teaching and program administration role at K-State in May 2016. I have been honored to serve as program director and professor of the MFT program since 2007 during a time of great transition, with the founders of our program, Candy Russell, retiring, and Tony Jurich dying suddenly. We welcomed new faculty Jared Durtschi and Amber Vennum who have done a great job. The program is in a great place.
I am moving to a full-time funded research position, maintaining an office in the Family Center and continuing to chair and/or serve on student graduate committees. We will be searching this year for an associate or full professor with a strong research track record to serve as program director and MFT faculty member. If you are interested in returning to K-State or know of a good candidate, please contact Jared Anderson, chair of the search committee.
We’ve worked this year to improve communication with alumni. As some of you have seen, we developed a listserv for alumni, students, faculty and friends of the MFT program – KSUMFT@lists.humec.ksu.edu. We want to use this listserv to keep you aware of opportunities in our community, to ask for your feedback on current trends and issues affecting MFTs, to list positions that alumni, students, or soon to be graduates might be interested in, and to keep our students and alumni aware of training opportunities. We would appreciate your posting on the listserv if you have any information to share with the KSU MFT community.
We are all looking forward to the presentation by Ruben Parra-Cardona on Sept. 17 and hope you will be able to join us!