Undergraduate seniors in communication studies researched, wrote and presented an extensive detailed thesis for Senior Colloquium taught by Dr. LeAnn Brazeal and Amanda Bouc. Over thirty seniors, listed below, presented their thesis for a panel of Communication Studies professors.
by Hayley Beason
by Kelsey Yadon
by Natalie Wells
by Benjamin Field
Casey Martin: A Rhetorical Analysis of Counter-Narratives to Reconstruct Communication about Disability
by Erin Gerken
A Scandalous Fall Via Social Media: Anthony Weiner and Image Restoration
by Gregory Hayes
Chris Kluwe Writes Open Letter to Maryland State Delegate Emmett Burns: AN Analysis of How to Legitimize a Social Movement
by Beau Hentzen
Assimilation into the Unknown
by Collin Cooper
The Rhetoric of the Prime Rib of America: A Neo-Aristotelian Analysis of Lady Gaga’s Utilization of Aristotle’s Theory of Rhetoric in the Fight for the Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
by Rebecca Hollington
How Conflict Changes as Relationships Become More Intimate: An Analysis of Environmental Communication Via Blog Site
by Alyssa Blackburn
A Look at Marriage and Men Through the Lens of Expectancy Violations Theory
by David Irons
Rihanna and Cris Brown Reunited: An Analysis of Gender as an Ideological Approach
by Jada Jackson
Elaboration Likelihood Model: A Third Hybrid Approach to Persuasion
by Justin Leatherman
Paul Simon’s “You Can Call Me Al”: A Narrative Analysis of Communication Through Music
by Lindsy Liggett
An Analysis of Persuasive Communication About the Environment
by Crystal Allison
Changing Beauty Ideals; Analyzing the Dove Real Beauty Campaign
by Amelia Lewis
Aristotelian Rhetoric and the #EndItMovement: Innovation and Effective Use of Social-Media
by Justin Meyer
Gungor and Liturgical Post-Rock: An Analysis of Song Rhetoric in Identity Formation within the Social Movement of Evangelical Christianity
by John Petterson
A Feminist Criticism Perspective on Lifting the Ban of American Women in Combat
by Melissa Slater
“Moneyball” The Fantasy Theme of Billy Beane and the “Moneyball” Approach
by Michael Stratton
Jose Antonio Vargas’s Outing of Immigration Status: A Rhetorical Analysis of a Social Movement Autobiography through a Newspaper Story
by Jenna Suprenant
Analysis on the Documentary Catfish: Developing an Online Relationship
by Sidney Foster
Adolph Hitler’s Speech “The Triumph of Will” Rhetorical Analysis Using Logos, Ethos and Pathos
by Heather Wecker
A Rhetorical Criticism of Lil Wayne’s Documentary “The Carter”
by Jacob Weakland
Sunland, Inc. Peanut Butter Recall Press Releases: Image Repair Strategies
by Justin Weers
Fear Appeal and Protection Motivation Theory Applied in a Public Service Announcement
by Danielle Willburn
Rhetorical Vision and Identity Creation in the Christian Challenge Community
by Jim Woods
Ideology and Communications in Ellis County, Kansas: A Case Study in Ideological Criticism
by Matthew Finley
Coming Together for a Better Tomorrow?
by Jared Wylan
Taking Online Dating to the Next Level: An analysis of CMC through SIPT
by Kali Yates
So Close Yet So Far
by Mallory Zila